Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Donā€™t read them


People make mistakes when they are young but I just canā€™t understand this. Manslaughter isnā€™t enough.

She might have been on a serious coke or crystal meth binge I was thinking. 3 cities in 6 days - it looks a bit like meth to me.

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And you want to legalise hard drugs.

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Theyā€™re the kind of stories that would make you pause tbf.

The pricking about that Apple do with their earphones and charger as you change phone, completely designed to screw you out of even more money.

As if the fuckers donā€™t have enough.

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Bigger fool you for paying out the bucks just for a brand ā€” way cheaper phones out there just as good.

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How did I know you were going to say that.


Fuck him Farmer, you stick with your iPhone and fuck the begrudgers.

That you can get cheaper phones that do the same thing? - Youā€™re lashing out now because iā€™m speaking the truth. An iphone and all that goes with it is a mugs game - if you knew that already dont be whinging. If you didnt know that, well then do your research and stop whining.

Calm down mate.

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Nothing wrong with an iPhone if you have the disposable income. Lads shouldnā€™t be pilloried for being financially sound.

If they were financially sound they wouldnt be whining about money - fucktard.

Apple are grand. You pay a premium for not having the CCP log your every move.


Nasty post

He was lamenting their decisions to fiddle with headphones from a tech point of view. Itā€™s designed to screw people out of money, but to some the money isnā€™t an issue, itā€™s the inconvenience.

You do know iPhones are made in China yeah?

A lifelong buddy of mine rang me there an hour ago (half pissed Iā€™d say and emotional).
His wife has deteriorated terribly this last 6 months with the dreaded Alzheimerā€™s syndrome and seems to have suffered a couple of mini-strokes over the past few weeks. Weā€™ve been chatting regularly over the past few weeks as the situation worsened and the inevitable became the reality.
Between the jigs and reels heā€™d secured long term care which was supposed to kick in on Monday but fuck me if they didnā€™t rock up today in a customised SUV and collected her and away.
Better for all concerned was what he was told and cheerioā€¦ā€¦

I can, eventually, see what has happened here and itā€™s probably right but itā€™s harsh, cruel even.
Heā€™s taking the whole thing badly, as you will but what can be doneā€¦

He managed a question however - whatā€™s the difference between a house and a home?
A house is where you are now, a home is where youā€™re headedā€¦.Heā€™s a mighty oulā€™ sort God help him.


At least he was able to pick the phone up to you for a chat about it


I canā€™t think of a better man to pick up to phone to you than you.

the rock he can lash to