Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

To the TFK experts thread

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Bad day in court for Noel Broggy now.

Claim by farmer attacked by ‘mad cow’ at mart is dismissed

Gordon Deegan


A judge has dismissed a €60,000 personal injury action by a 79-year-old farmer who “suffered horrible injuries” when impacted by a “mad cow” at a mart four years ago.

At Ennis Circuit Court, farmer, Noel Broggy told the court that he was flattened and knocked out when attacked by a “mad cow” at Sixmilebridge Mart, Co Clare on May 6th 2017.

Giving evidence in his personal injury action against Sixmilebridge Co-Operative Mart Ltd, Mr Broggy told the court: “This cow went for me – I didn’t know she was a mad cow, I knew nothing about the cow.”

The court was told that after he came around, Mr Broggy was taken by ambulance to University Hospital Limerick where he remained for one night and two days.

Mr Broggy said as a result of the vertigo brought on by the attack he wasn’t able to tie his shoe laces or wash his hair. His claim also stated that as a result of the attack, he wasn’t able to jive or dance.

Judge Brian O’Callaghan dismissed Mr Broggy’s case stating that no direct evidence was provided concerning the identity of the cow who attacked him.

The judge said that there is no breach of duty by the mart as there is no evidence that the system was bad at the mart in controlling access to animals.

Judge O’Callaghan also said he found Mr Broggy at least 75 per cent responsible and dismissed the action on that point. The judge made no order regarding costs.

So he dismissed it because they never interviewed the cow.

Sounds like his solicitor did a terrible job.

Not being able to jive is no joke.

How’s he supposed to be able to get a woman ?

He was Noel Groggy after he got the kick off of the cow.


Clare should be proud of this man

Are the courts finally copping on?

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Was 60k seen as some sort of sweet spot in terms of claims ?

Presume it’s something to do with the district/circuit court limits?

District limit is €15k and lower. May as well aim high once you go up to senior

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Noel Broggy is a great name. Like a Terry Pratchett character.

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wasn’t able to jive or dance.

Ol bastard should be praying for a happy death instead of gouging bobs

From the article above, once it’s in the high court, minimum damages are 60k.
It is suggested that plaintiffs deliberately seek high court level damages to try to force potentially innocent parties to settle rather than contest.
The awards are absolutely staggering really, and are, to my mind, a reflection of the corpulence of the legal and medical professions in Ireland.

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No reported accidents of children, but she wants it made higher, meaning less children can use it. The playground apparently now closed because of her. If that was her aim, then why pursue damages and costs? Quite fortunate too that the only other person this happened to was there at the very same time to witness it


No greed will always show its head

What a cnut.
“I only wanted in excess of 60000 euros so the swing was made safer by making it higher for toddlers to fall off”


I think they turned down a €30k settlement on the advice of their solicitors

That proves it was all about the money so and not actually to “make it safer for kid’s”. Delighted for them.


Ah lovely.

It’s hard not take epicaricacy in that.


I wish the Germans had a word for Epicaricacy.

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