Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I’ll delete one of those later once I make up my mind.

Sadly, I suspect it happens a lot around students in particular. It’s awful. I would absolutely believe the needle thing too.

This is the case.


136 rapes.
That’s unreal. I guess the fact it was men he targeted meant they were a lot less likely to report it.

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That was it. Even when they were approached afterwards and told they had been raped a lot of men chose not to come forward at all and wanted to ignore it.

What’s a wonder here is that he never cropped up in the Celebrity spotting thread him being in Manchester and all.
Aside from that he seems to be a bad ‘un. He’ll get his fill of it inside.

The only problem is that there is hardly a shred of evidence to support it. Firstly, all sides agree that Rohypnol has never been a “rape drug” in Ireland or in the UK. Secondly, no “rape drug” of any kind has been detected in tests either here or in the North. While more than 60 drugs have been detected in the toxicology of rape victims, there is no evidence, even in the US, to suggest that “drug-rape” is a widespread phenomenon. The chances of someone being assaulted while falling down drunk are incomparably greater than while under the influence of a spiked drink.

The demon drink is far and away still the biggest danger in the vast majority of these cases

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The biggest danger is rapists.


What about that scumbag doing life without parole in Manchester? He was giving them something.
A lot of these things would never be tested for.
We drank and drank all through college, but it was rare you’d see a girl that bad I don’t think.

Careful now! Veering dangerously close to victim blaming there.

Sinaga typically approached his victims in the street. The rapist operated in a small area surrounding his flat. His targets were men mostly in their late teens or early 20s who had been out drinking, often in the nearby nightclubs.
Some were on their way home, others had become separated from friends.
Many were too drunk to remember their conversation with Sinaga, but for those who did there was no indication of a sexual motive. Sinaga used various pretexts to entice each to his flat.

Not really comparable cases, but again the drink was the initial issue with victims letting their guard down

That’s only allowed for people who don’t get vaccinated and get Covid.

You have an extremely out of touch and wrong perspective on sexual assault and rape.

This is just basic common sense. There are dangers in the world, no matter how high your ivory tower is.

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Your first response to a post on date rape and sexism was “that never happened”.

Next you posted an article from the 2002 (!!!) which states that drink is the most common date rape drug, and you say that drink is the danger. No, rapists are the danger.

Next, you blame “victims letting their guard down” as a cause of rape.

Do you think you should be allowed rape people if they are drunk or let their guard down? Who’s fault would it be?

Seriously, what world are you on? Have you daughters or sisters? Are you actually friends with any women?

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I responded to that long diatribe which apparently came from the journos daughter, which was full of hearsay and all over the shop. If you want to take it as a basis for any kind of sensible discussion you’re welcome to it. I wouldn’t.

You dismissed it as a that never happened and a diatribe. You’re obviously wrong, it does happen. You followed up with blaming victims for getting raped.

Honesty, you’re complete and utter fucking idiot.

In fairness, that is one of the most remarkable strawmen. Of course it shouldn’t happen.
We unfortunately live in a world well stocked with psychopaths murderers and rapists, and men inclined to do so. This is a sad fact. Is it right or nice? No.
But it is incontrovertible truth.
I would and will be advising my daughter accordingly.
And, unfortunately, any perception altering drug, and most definitely alcohol, makes people less inhibited and less wary.
I do not believe that all these cases of girls who quite suddenly become insensible on a night out are due to alcohol in any case. Many are experienced drinkers who know their limits, and in student areas they are surrounded by wolves.

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Your self-serving view of the world is cute, it must sound great over coffees in the office. I wish it worked out for everyone like that, but it doesn’t.