Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)



Some fellas need to really think about how they feel on this subject, women like men on occasions get rat arsed drunk. Thatā€™s no excuse for despicable human filth to take advantage of that for their own sick desires. We should be stopping these sick cunts rather than warning women not to get in a state that we all have been in. Preferable stop the cunts with blunt objects. Thatā€™s my 2 cent for its worth.


Theyā€™re not mutually exclusive, both should be done


Everyone should warmed of getting into states. Most learners from experience myself included. But Iā€™ve never had the fear like every women has about these things.

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Good post

This is true, but under those circumstances, statistically, a lass is far far more likely to be preyed upon/violated/murdered by a predator than a lad.

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It isnā€™t really. In three posts on the topic this guy sees more fault with victims than rapists. Heā€™s a moron.

A drunk lad is more likely to get beaten up. Doesnā€™t excuse the person who beats them up but if you are very, very drunk you are easier prey for bad people.

Iā€™m not sure why saying that is controversial. Itā€™s not victim blaming. Itā€™s pointing out there are bad and evil people who will do bad things and a drunk person is at more of a disadvantage if they are unlucky enough to cross their path.

Of course itā€™s true that all people should be warned of the risks of drinking or drugging themselves into insensibility for an obvious variety of reasons.

I remember being relatively sober outside Coppers one night over 20 yearsā€¦ A few of us spotted a fella literally scoping for girls who were off their heads drunk and trying to lure them away, he wasnā€™t drunk himself.

He eventually tried it with a female friend of a Tipp fella in our group and he got a nice trimming for his troubles. Was reported to cops too for whatever good it did.


Hopefully one of the knocks to the head put him right.

Rapists or sexual predators are the lowest of the low in my view.

Fair play. No harm for a deviant like that to get a few slaps. There are some horrible deviant cunts out there.

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Thatā€™s great but you wonā€™t in reality stop them with blunt objects. but what you can do is warn women that there are predators out there and to be vigilant. Yet the bed wetter thinks thatā€™s victim blamingā€¦.

Iā€™m with @glasagusban on this one. Alluding to a victim being drunk and as such he or she wasnt able to protect ones self is an awful argument.

The scumbag rapist/predator is the problem always.

I donā€™t think bed wetter is a fair term either.

Women are always vigilent. Its something we as fellas donā€™t have to worry about. Generally they are and they look after each other on nights out as they go together in groups.

Its different with fellas. Not saying thats right either. But thats how it kind of is.


Did someone say this wasnā€™t the case?

But the reality is itā€™s nearly impossible to stop them, so what can you do to help the situation. Iā€™m more interested in workable answers here than online righteousness.

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Id imagine most guys here have slept with women who remember nothing and vice versa.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not accusing you of saying that.

I just think sometimes, that dye is cast at times. Not here but in cases that Iā€™ve read about etc.

It is along with the provocative clothing accusation which is just as wrong headed. However, thereā€™s nothing wrong with promoting vigilance.

Unless people think Larry Murphy can be stopped by someone on twitter calling on him to DO BETTER UGHHH

I agree 100% with you with regards to vigilance. Iā€™d say cop on though is the most important thing. Luckily enough women have that in spades. They do, thankfully.

At the end of the day I think any rapist or child abuser found guilty should be put against a wall and shot.

No more about it.

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