Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Yup mouthing on twitter to fo better or making freshers in college do a sexual harassment awareness course will do fuck all to stop the Larry Murphy types. As I said blunt objects and plenty of hits. Personally a hurley would be ideal for the job

A lot of guys here strike me as not being able to remember anything. And it’s nothing to do with alcohol. :wink:

Thing is there’s lots of reasons that cause that, one of the main ones being they were victims of abuse themselves in many but not all cases. So are they not also victims? Again we aren’t going to or should be executing people, but far longer prison terms have to be on the table. Have to protect people.

Child abusers is a messy one. Chemical castration to remove the urges too far?

Life imprisonment I think if we can’t. 23 hours locked down on their own along with that.

Maybe for the first few years as a punishment but after a while have to let them live semi normal lives in there, college courses trades etc, just away from society

Rusty mechanical castration would be preferable

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Here’s the solution…


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too clean, needs more rust


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Would societal change make a difference?

Happens to young guys aswell, worlds messed up especially for the young

No castration- straight culled - winner winner
Chicken dinner

die is cast

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What do you care about society? you just want to cosplay Greta thunburg

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Ok but that’s not going to happen, so why not focus on something that might? Lads ye are heading left wing moron direction with hope for fantasy solutions

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That’s a very ableist comment. You could get yourself banned around here for that.

Theres a lot to unpack here

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I think it’s been proven that the absolute opposite is the case.

Yes but it is what most normal family ppl want I suggest, not a whole lot of “ bad upbringing “” drug/ alcohol dependency- also a victim of abuse “ palava when it comes to court and sorting out these ppl,
Chemical castration doesn’t work end of

How Dare You Greta GIF

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