Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

And you just want to fling around insults at anybody who ever expresses a mild sentiment in favour of progressive change, because you’re a miserable far right cunt.

Fuck me, that’s a tough read.

Strange thing about bullying in schools is a lot of it is done by high achievers. I have seen it myself. Because they are high achievers they get away with it.

i hope to fuck the father got the names of the bullies and now starts visiting the parents

Fuck that’s devastating.

They might not realise it now but the bullies will be tormented by this for the rest of their lifes.

The poor auld divils.


I think the level of nastiness described would indicate those involved in it don’t think or behave or react like normal people, and don’t, and won’t ever give a fuck tbh.

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Possibly but it would have to haunt you in years to come.

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It’d haunt you. These lads were making a poor young fella flush his own face in a dirty toilet. We are talking sociopaths at best.

It’s a harrowing read. It begs the question though where does parental care start or stop. I can guarantee that if one of my grandchildren confided that stuff to me I wouldn’t be long putting a stop to it. I’d set aside 60 seconds for dialogue before taking alternative methods and I don’t give a fuck who they were or how many of the bastards were in it.
Cups of tae and aul’ soft talk aren’t worth a shit at that stage….


That’s harrowing, the poor lad and his family.

They will in their fuck. These cunts understand one thing.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they were at the funeral, laughing away in the back row


These sort of lads aren’t rightly wired, lads give them too much credit.


Would ypu think beating the shit out of them (assuming that’s what you were implying) would improve things all round?
Local kids

Very hard to stop bullying once it starts. It feeds off itself and phones and social media mean there is no escape.

I’m not sure what would I do in that situation. Kicking in a young lads head will land you in prison and the bullying won’t stop.

RIP to the poor lad. Hopefully his parents can find some peace.

That is shocking.

RIP to the poor lad.

I’d say there is nothing for it once it starts but to take the child out of the school and move him to another school. No matter how inconvenient it is. It doesn’t matter that by doing that you have let the bullies win or any of that crack. Once the bullies have locked on to a target they don’t let go and schools have zero interest in taking them on and starting a disciplinary process because they know that they’ll end up in court for their trouble. Bullies don’t lick it off the side of the road either. Their parents are usually two ends of cunts as well.


A lot of bullying would go undetected in schools and some of what you say is probably true,
But to cover up the type of bullying described in that article would be nigh on impossible even if that was more convenient, it would certainly be acted on but it’s a process hindered by all sorts of bullshit.
Adults beating up the bullies is a really bad idea though, loose enough oul talk as well.
That story is shocking, that level of physical bullying seems like something from the past

Whatever about mental it’s mad to think physical stuff would go unpunished …imagine seeing your kid coming in physically and mentally broken… Most people want to do the right thing but every person has a breaking point …
the religious aspect is sickening…