Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

That is actually one of the few things very well handled on the mainland for the most part. There is zero tolerance. Those lads would have been thrown out, and the police involved by the school.


Do you think I’m cracked or what. This kind of business is best conducted via intermediaries. It’s not rocket science.


Ah, you’ve played knifey spoony before

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I don’t think it’s a good idea either way

But I’m no expert, that type of bullying isn’t as common as you’d think, was more so back in my day

That’s likely, I actually heard of that happening once at a girls school years ago. Foreign girl was getting bullied, killed herself, her classmates turned up at the funeral and it wasn’t long before giggling broke out.

However I will say that a lot of the time there is one ringleader and if you identify that person and take them out of the situation things can get a lot better very quickly. Peer pressure is a huge driving force behind bullying. Most of these kids obviously have “problems” at home, even if their problem is sometimes just that their parents are nasty cunts.

Can I just say, that I am slightly suspicious of the story that a young lad was getting kicked on the ground every single day and he didn’t end up in hospital, the school let it go on, the parents didn’t pull him out of school and the cops were never called.

100 percent best thing to do.

Back in the day It was more a case of shit flowing downwards … generally you got bashed by older lads and you bashed the younger lads …

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Fucking hell that is beyond comprehension.

Name and shame the cunts. They use social media to torment they can deal with the sharp end of it. The parents who are almost guaranteed to be gobshites will howl but fuck them.

It must be very hard for kids now, it never leaves you there’s no safe haven away with the cursed internet. And whatever chance lads have of settling it physically must be torture for girls.


Case near me here, issue with 6 or 7 year old kids and a bullying issue. I’m not sure how bad the bullying was, a neighbouring school, but the father of the bullied kid went to the other kids house, armed with a hammer and guards had to be called to get him out when he went after the mother of the other child. Has been charged and preliminary hearing was in court. He and the wife have since split up and home is up for sale.

Doxx them? :grinning:

You’d be good at that alright!

Madness but like I said everyone has a breaking point … as the saying goes you’re only as happy as your unhappiest child …


Well that was a bizarre response

Can you stop replying to me you absolute freak, I really don’t want to have anything got to do with you. Maybe try getting a job or something to busy yourself? Just a gentle suggestion

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You’re replying to me.

Seems my post touched nerve with you given that you doxxed me - ie. printed my real name - on this forum.

That’s a banning offence, isn’t it? :grinning:

Did the bullying stop?


Where did I print your real name??

Did I set up loads of twitter accounts trying to reveal peoples identity? Nope. Do you know who did? or is that something you can’t reconcile with.

I know you’ve nothing to do in life, if it makes you feel busy then sure reply away, I tried to put you on ignore but that doesn’t work for some reason. I’ll endure it as a charitable act god knows you could do with a few.

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With the hammer trying to hit her, if that needs clarifying!

@myboyblue not sure if the bullying stopped. Didn’t make things better for them all tho.

Not saying the answer is to sit around singing Kumbaya, My Lord in group therapy, but going to the other house attacking them with a hammer ain’t the answer either.

On that thread last year where I was erroneously accused of doxxing people, despite actually being banned under my previous handle (@Dziekanowski) because somebody else here set up a fake account pretending to be me.

You referenced my actual Twitter handle and my real name.

And may I note that your call to doxx people as a result of that appalling incident in Cavan, regardless of what went on, which was obviously sickening, is itself a form of extreme bullying, because contained within is a desire to ruin people’s lives - that sort of stuff never ends well.

I have no idea whether you did or not. I would give the benefit of the doubt and presume not.

No and not applicable. Are you referring to the fake Twitter account that was used to get me banned here?

I did get a kick out of lads running around accusing me of calling the FBI of another poster, to be fair. Some serious imaginations here. :grinning:

You seem to care a lot about my life. Thanks for the concern.


Is this for real!

I saw an absolutely unstable twitter account shrieking at Glenn Greenwald daily alright, was that you. Holy fuck.

I don’t know what your name, I received a tip off but couldn’t find any info or career details on that name on LinkedIn, so I presumed it was bogey.

Anyways get a job, any job. It’ll do you the world of good.