Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

No the answer is the school and police getting involved and swift action ie expelling them. Ireland donā€™t do swift decisive action.

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You received a ā€œtip offā€? :grinning:

Woah, we have some sleuths on here. :grinning:

Itā€™s great to know lads are so preoccupied with my every move.

Maybe if you stopped worrying about my existence youā€™d be less of a twat?

No, but when you tried to ruin peoples careers you were of interest. Of course you now think this never happened. More than a bit frightening.

Seeing as all you want is replies, of any nature, and you are ignoring all the good advice Iā€™ve given you Iā€™ll have to leave it there.

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Yeah it would seem schools arenā€™t decisive these days for fear of accusing someone in the wrong or being too hard on the bully. Forgetting that they arenā€™t the victim in the situation

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The only careers Iā€™ve ever tried to ruin are right-wing INTERNET posting careers.

What harm is that?

Are you that frightened of losing your self styled straight talking macho man persona? Come to think of it, you should probably rebrand at this stage.

OK Alanis.

By the way mate if you think Glenn Greenwald is anything but a shrieking lunatic who has had one of the clearest mental breakdowns Iā€™ve ever seen - as is evident from even a cursory look at his writings over the last few years, itā€™s a bit of a giveaway as to your own mental state.

Well a wrong/unprovable accusation would in all likelihood lead to a court case, definitely in Ireland. There has to be a clear mechanism put in place. Is there anything now??

Forgetting victims seems to be a very Irish trait. Someone up before the courts with 100+ convictions is painted as hard done by and deserving of leniency, what about all the lives ruined in those 100+ cases (not to mention the many more that never got caught)

Might be more to do with bullying is subjective but objectively proven, thatā€™s where it can get tricky.

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Read that bloody awful

Schools that donā€™t act decisively and promptly needs sued end of, thereā€™s rules etc on bullying if the school doesnā€™t act asap the outcome can be bloody awful
Iā€™m not a hurler on the ditch ref this subject,
Kids have died and schools have a big part in their deaths simply by closing their eyes and ears to what goes on , not good enough and as usual in this bloody country the powers that be only take notice when the solicitors etc get involved after someone dies, then ppl ask the awkward questions etc etc

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I was subject to some bullying on here lately and let me tell you, itā€™s not pleasant. Thankfully Iā€™m an incredibly strong person and could withstand it but I can see now it could get in on you. I wouldnā€™t wish it on anybody.

Take care of each other guys.


Children / minors need protection in and out of the house

Bullying tends to be a subjective act. Bullies tend to be self-unaware. Itā€™s an act of projecting power, sometimes exerted by those that have been bullied themselves, but certainly not always.

Sometimes itā€™s driven by deep seated inferiority complexes, sometimes by sheer badness and the mob mentality, which is itself a form of deep seated weakness.

Racism and misogynism are bullying. But the bullies or those like the bullies have a terrible habit of not seeing such bullying when it suits. ā€œTNHā€ is a familiar refrain on this forum.

We saw the bullying mindset at work too during the Jackson/Olding rape trial, a trial which was about proving facts, but in which the theme of subjectivity was writ large.

The complainantā€™s entirely legitimate subjective feelings were portrayed as the words of ā€œa liarā€.

if a kid was being bullied in the school & it was proven, would the bullies be thrown out?

Having a child expelled from school these days is a tortuous process, bullying happens everywhere and it would rarely merit an expulsion but if somebody was literally being beaten up every day and having his head shoved into a dirty toilet then I believe the wheels would begin to turn, a lot of agencies need to be involved in an expulsion and youā€™re effectively ruining somebodyā€™s life

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Canā€™t believe youā€™re continuing to go down this path, particularly on this thread where bullying is being discussed in a serious manner resulting in a childā€™s death, but what do you expect :man_shrugging:


What? How serious do you think it needs to get. Iā€™m not sure how itā€™s ruining their lives, and thatā€™s not enough of an excuse to let them go on ruining others lives


Youā€™re right, I was a bit all over the place as I was thinking of the ā€˜less seriousā€™ bullying as well,
In that Eden case there is no doubt but that the school would intervene in a serious manner, but then again who can say for sure, I canā€™t speak for any school, I know mine takes bullying very seriously

But you have no idea how difficult it is to expel somebody these days, it literally takes years

So whatā€™s your own advice, is it better just to move the bullied child if possible

They canā€™t expel someone until their Junior cert is completed? Can only ask to leave, was the case in my time anyway.