Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Wouldn’t they be safer if they sat away from the bar as a group?

Are you allowed sit at the bar now?

I think you’re burying the lead somewhat here mate.


Don’t know what you mean.

A girl got needled at a bar, and you’re criticising her for standing at a bar.


Her comment didn’t make sense. You don’t stand at a crowded bar to feel safe.

If it was a spiking then that is wrong, very wrong. Just making that clear.

I suppose lads could be messing spiking random girls while passing. But is that what spiking is all about. I thought it would be more get her on her own first.

I’m not sure you’re qualified to tell here where and when she should feel safe.

She’s probably making it up. cc @Raylan

It was a spiking

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Here’s a third party comment on the whole thing. Make out of it what you like.

seriously? you are going to take a tweet by someone claiming they spike people as some sort of independent comment on the situation?


That cunt should be reported, even if he is mostly likely a bullshit artist.

I’d say that comment was tongue in cheek, as they say.

Lads what would be the preferred course here for the spiker? Presumably the spikee leaves the bar early and is bolloxed so they what? Grab them off the street, throw them into a car and take them off somewhere? Surely the spiker is on a video somewhere hanging around watching in the pub or outside? A bit of a mental strategy.
Or are lads getting a bit of a buzz off just spiking someone and leaving them off to collapse?

Garda statement should be along any second now to verify and warn of what kind of cocktail of drugs these psychos are spiking women all over Ireland and the UK with over the last week or so.

She says she got kicked out of the bar on her own as well when she complained to staff she wasn’t feeling well. They need to be named and shamed.


So what was the point in putting up a tweet that was calling her out then if it is tongue in cheek, as they say

I fairness, I suppose there could be such a thing as a revenge spike. If she told some fellow to f-off and leave her alone. That would make sense alright.

To clear her name with her parents for taking party drug cocktails while out.

so you think she is lying. That helps.

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This might be part of it. It seems to have escalated from individual sicko perverts to group think? These are lads probably off reading Jordan Peterson or the likes. Or else just watching some pretty extreme porn.

There’s no winners here unfortunately.