Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

@habanerocat takes a fellas tweet and figures yer wan is in the wrong here. Case solved. She obviously stuck a needle into her own arm, and tweeted it then.

Incredible level of victim blaming.

You’d almost miss IOTM.

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A nasty dig at @Thomas_Brady for his Peterson fixation. And seen as you know him pretty well I’d say the porn reference was aimed at him too.

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Jesus. I never thought of that.

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We need sick fuckers like yourself to give us an insight into deviant behaviour.

I was expecting that one, but not from you…

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Delighted to disappoint.

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@habanerocat following up his won’t someone think of the nazi gas chambers guards post with a heartfelt defence of spikers

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What the actual fuck are you jabbering on about?

Following his logic here, he probably thinks the Jews should have known better than to be Jews in Germany

Jesus Christ

Stuck it in the back of her upper arm too. You know that’s a good place to self inject.

Not at all a good place to inject someone from behind.

I’m surprised that old boot @habanerocat can dress himself daily after all of this.

Being spiked with a needle is nasty enough - HIV, Hep etc would be a concern you’d have and you’d not get all clear for months.


Was she spiked after she retweeted the photo of somebody else who had been spiked?

This suggests that while being spiked does happen (putting something in a drink) it’s unlikely to be done by means of an injection - people may be pricking people alright


David Caldicott, an emergency medicine consultant and founder of drug testing project WEDINOS, said: “There are a couple of things that are disconcerting about this story. The technical and medical knowledge required to perform this would make this deeply improbable.

"It is at the level of a state-sponsored actor incapacitating a dissident, like the Novichok incident. The idea that a clubber would do this to a fellow clubber seems highly unlikely to me.

“It’s really hard to stick a needle in someone without them noticing, especially if you have to keep the needle in there for long enough, maybe 20 seconds, to inject enough drugs to cause this. If you were malicious there would be half a dozen much easier other ways to spike someone.”

READ MORE: Night club bosses call for Home Office inquiry as Scots boycott planned over spiking by injection

Caldicott added: “It’s very important that when a young person believes something has happened that has deprived them of their cognitive liberty to take them seriously and investigate it to the hilt. This has not been adequately investigated.

“It’s entirely possible that this is some stupid fad of sticking needles into people, but the association between sticking needles into people and people being intoxicated and collapsing seems far-fetched at the moment, it’s very difficult to explain.”


As I said way back above, the needle element just doesn’t make sense. Carrying it around, dosage, administering. Completely impractical and inexcusable if caught with it.

Versus a pill which is easily transportable, easily excused if found on the person (“it’s a yoke”), pre-dose sized or at least to some degree and administered with far less difficulty or risk in being caught.

Just doesn’t stack up in my mind


I’m still waiting for an answer why a 96 year old camp secretary is up for trial and Hitler’s private secretary got away scot free?

That’s a great point Harry.
There’s a lot of those false widow spiders about lately. It might be more than just a coincidence.

I dont believe I’m a misogynist ( @glasagusban ) but the story strikes me as odd. Anaesthetics are very dangerous. You would expect that in these circumstances an excess dose would sometimes be accidentally administered, resulting in girls dropping dead in nightclubs, like how anaesthaeoligist Kate McCann accidentally killed her daughter Madeleine in Portugal.

I also think that the first report might have been a very paranoid girl but after that bad men will read the story in the papers and get ideas. A bit like how the media are supposed to have talked the USA into a crack cocaine epidemic back in the day.

Be the hokey! Is that what we’re thinking…

Its being widely reported, arrests have been made in the UK over this sort of shit. Its not just one or two random places, the UK have had verified incidents in Nottingham, Norwich, Liverpool, Cardiff, Manchester, Leeds and Newcastle, as well as Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen. And we have one reported incident now that clubs are back open here and the first thing people do is call it out as being lies or it doesnt make sense. I dont want to compare it to rape incidents, but its a fact that many women have not reported a rape incident because of a fear of being stigmatised or not believed and that they are making it up for whatever reason. This isnt the result of a paranoid girl making up a story and bad men then getting ideas, this is a case of absolute cunts attacking random women. And from what the reports are, its very widespread.