Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Kate was/is actually a GP. But while checking that I was shocked to find out that most of the Tapas7 (the friends they dined with) were also doctors.

This will be Glasā€™s big chance to stick the knife into meā€¦

Ok well when I google ā€œinjection spike arrestā€ I get a lot of links to this arrest in Nottingham, which when you read it further says itā€™s a conspiracy amongst 2 teenagers for a suspected offence which ā€œdoes not involve a needleā€.

160 incidents reported across the UK.

2 arrests in the past 4 days, which didnā€™t involve a needle, but but which the media are reporting as if they had something to do with injections. Undoubtedly this is a crime with a very low detection rate though.

Iā€™m going to sound like an awful cunt here because I have no doubt that it happens but it strikes me that there are a lot of similarities with the Satanist scare in 1980s Reaganite USA.

However women undoubtedly get their drinks spiked! Of course they do! But where does this scaremongering lead to? I would suggest that it leads to hysteria and the risk of copycats, not that cunts like that probably need much encouragement.

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thats not what that report says. It says 2 men have been arrested, but not yet accused of any specific incident, whether by needle or drink spiking. It doesnt say if they did or didnt use a needle. The report does say they have been arrested ā€œin connection with a spate of reported spiking incidents involving needles in Nottinghamā€.

To be honest, warning women of the dangers of being spiked by a needle of drugs is not scaremongering. the reporting of this is not the issue here or women reporting these incidents, not that that needs to be clarified.

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Even for TFK this is bizarre levels of debate.

Lies No GIF

I think women being jabbed with pins or needles is quite likely happening. To leave a mark and a bruise like in pictures would draw blood I think. Maybe epipens are being used.

I think drink spiking happens.

The extent is unknown.

I think itā€™s unlikely women are being injected with drugs in bars or nightclubs.

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Johnny arse and his merry band of rightwingers at gript asked the guards have any incidents been reported. They claim the Garda said none have been. But the lady above had tweeted that she reported it this morning. The plot thickens.

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You would know alright.

Nasty post

For a clearly nasty individual.

Be better

Big house Tony chimes inā€¦ā€¦

You did plenty of chiming around the place the past 48 hrs, on deaf ears mind.

Youā€™ll never know what the shells were for


I remember a girl in school who was fond of the pills, she ended up unconscious one night at a local club and an ambulance had to be called. Seems her drink was spikedā€¦

That sounds a bit cuntish. But I know of at least two other cases where girls claimed their drinks were spiked and even went as far as reporting it to the guards, when in reality they got too drunk or took much drugs and were afraid of the consequences.



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Itā€™s an odd play he going with for sure.

Itā€™s most likely either theft or sexual assault and itā€™s more than likely that there will have been more than one ā€œmarkā€.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a wide range of substances but effects are not the same as ā€œparty drugsā€. One thing that stands out that Iā€™ve heard a number of times is that itā€™s completely different to memory loss from drinking too much. Drinks spike is lights out at specific point, people remember everything fine up X point then itā€™s completely lights out.

To be honest I think anyone downplaying it as an issue or fobbing it off as a tnh or no harm was done youā€™re grand is a complete idiot and complete cunt. Itā€™s definitely happening and the intent is rotten.