Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Strange take.

You do realise that we live in the post truth era, where emotions defeat facts, where your ‘truth’ cancels the facts and or actual evidence.

Look, spikings most definitely happen and they are odious, but I find it hard to believe they are at epidemic levels the recent reporting would have you believe.

Maybe they’re happening at the same levels as before but more attention is being drawn to it, which would be a good thing?

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Probably one of the less surprising developments in all this that Arse and Grift.ie would be desperate to try and discredit a female victim.

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I see that girl deleted her original tweet anyways after Gript (ya I know) reported they had spoken to Garda and they said they had no reports on such an incident.

What’s your “truth” here?

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that there’s a strong element of this in it.

You could be right. They’d be a lot of people out there who were jabbing well over a hundred people a day.

It would be hard enough to come down off that.


Thank God for boosters!


She flat out refused to name the premises and also refused to name the drugs that made up the cocktail that she claims were in her system when people were asking in the thread.

A lot of her previous more historic tweets seem to be themed around men taking advantage of women and similar type of sharing stories which is interesting in the context.

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lot of lads here taking date rape accusations as a personal affront


A lad in his early 20s was telling me tonight he was out in Ryan’s a few weeks ago and seems that happened to a pal. Had to go to hospital for hep shots etc. Said the pal had clear needle mark but wasn’t affected in any way at all (drugged etc). No idea who did it etc, just all round weird situation

Scary shit and, while only one account, does seem stupid cunts are at this sick and deranged activity of sticking needles into people.


The gobshites will be along shortly to tell you she was making it up.

Was actually a fella it happened to.

Definitely TNH so.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Is it that some sick cunts have read about it happening in the UK and are copying it over here? Any cunt caught bringing a needle to inject shit into somebody else should have his teeth kicked in. They can print stories about that then, the plethora of sick cunts getting their heads danced in after being caught. Wouldn’t be long putting a stop to it.

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There doesn’t seem to be anything injected in him thankfully, just pricked with the needle

Crazy shit

Bizarre carry on.