Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Itā€™s vaccine fascists mate. Want everybody to get the jab.


Monkey see, monkey do (I donā€™t know why)

Need to bring my mask, my vaccine cert and my needle to the pub tomorrow. The back pocket is bursting at the seams.

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Has the lovely Gript media and Johnny Arse reported on this yet? Considering they went out of their way to try prove she was lying and went to the guards for a quote? Absolute shower of cunts.


Can the gobshite posters who posted the Johnny arse links sign in please?


I think his tweet has been sentenced to DELETION.

no, still there

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The thing again that has me stumped is is this being used as a way to drug people? Thereā€™s definitely now too many incidents of people being pricked to say its untrue. Hopefully we find out thatā€™s as bad as it gets with tis carry on. Pyscho killer sort of shit if people being injected with something on top of it all.

Even if no actual drug is being injected, couldnt injected oxygen prove potentially fatal? Oversupply of oxygen in bloodstream?

Insulin too can be Fatal. Widely available for obvious reasons

Far be it from me me to weigh in, but this is another total load of wank like covid, youā€™d swear you canā€™t go into a pub now in case you get jabbed with a needle, the way it is being reported on the likes of social media. A virtue signalling pile of woke nonsense hammed up. 99% of this isnā€™t happening


I got jabbed by a cattle prod above in Ennis mart on Tuesday but you didnā€™t see me running to twitter with it.


Fair play for not weighing in.

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This is a lie

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1 itā€™s anaesthesiologist (in 'murica), anaesthetist here.
2 Kate McCann was a GP.

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Itā€™s not happening.

@mikehunt do you sign off a email with him/his?

Graeme knows

Iā€™m not saying it did in this case, but heā€™s comparing apples with a ford focus.
It may take a decent dose to floor an alert adult, it may take very little to knock someone unexpected and already drinking quite a bit over the edge.
It could be done in a second or two.