Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

You’ll know for again

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one of the “bad Manners” gels

Homeless lads cant even sleep for “charities” barging into their tents offering them food.


Far be it from me to weigh in but this post and all the likes it got are the worst of TFK, a lifelong WUM fictional character playing to an adoring audience

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I read it as taking the piss out of the numerous angry disaffected dimwits like @glenshane and @Enrique and @Ambrose_McNulty and most of the Galway lads that come out with stuff like this but actually believe it. It attracts likes from people who see this and also from the dimwits themselves.


Stay safe out there princess.


You may have a point but every time you tag me I can’t help thinking you’re still seething about your strimmer/chainsaw fiasco

That’s it alright I’d say


Banana flavoured sweets.

Fully support your view and position. Except for the bread varietal, Banana-flavoured anything is muck

Banana flavoured anything rarely tastes of actual banana.

Prepare to have your mind blown


This is a mod on boards.ie
Hard to believe that there’s a prick most likely from the free state supporting this sectarian shower of Cu**s

The bananas we have these days are only a cod. The original strain of banana died out in the 60s I believe and we are only left with a basterdize mutant banana. No where near as tasty