Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

The flatty doghouse log thread

This lad is fond of going into shopping bags. You’d get a right fright when you pick one up and something darts out of it or snarls.
He scuttles round the place like a big spider. We all have to close the bedroom doors or you’ll wake in the night with him staring at you from right beside your head, or biting your ear.

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Do you live near a stream of river or perhaps there is a barrel of water around?



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You needed to own your fuck up.

I didn’t NEED to do anything mate.


Thinly veiled “ I shat myself after coming home drunk and used the cat to clean my hole”



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I was walking through town today with the family. I saw a lad trying to pick something out of his girlfriends teeth with his fingers. Yes, he was standing on the path on the quays trying to nick something out of his girlfriends teeth with his fingernails. Wrong wrong wrong.


He should have just used his syringe


He wasn’t the syringey type. More students than anything. Still it’s entirely oddball shit.

It’s not quite the insult in the WhatsApp group standard this time, but it’s still classic Flatty. There are three things @flattythehurdler excels at:

  1. various fuck-ups that annoy Mrs Flatty and/ or assorted others
  2. celeb spotting
  3. winding up the Limerick crowd


WTF is gone wrong with some of our young

The auld boy has a cat, turned up one day out of the blue. We named the cat Richie Hogan. Anyway I was talking to a friend/neighbour one day and she said that she had a cat who had a litter, then spent 80 quid on getting her neutered then she fucked off the next day, didn’t see her again until the auld boy introduced her to Richie, the same cat. “You can have her” she said to Dad.


My favourite Flatty moment was when Mrs Flatty caught him trying to take a photo of her friend’s new diddies so that he could post it on TFK.


Jaysus I missed that one. Did he get the pic?

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I think 3 is fairly played out at this stage

I don’t believe he did. Although they must still be knocking around, perhaps enough years have passed to chance another another attempt…