Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

As long as they keep biting, he’ll keep winding… And winding goodo

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the optics, as they say, are dreadful.

But Art, it would be wrong to block investment funds from buying homes and leasing them to the Council and for the Council to buy them instead.

sure why would anyone in their right mind want to save the exchequer money?

This way we get to cost ourselves more money, not own the asset, and support a foreign arms manufacturer, it’s win win.


Capital provider increases stock of social housing, whilst generating retirement income for pensioners


You must be a bit dim.

you do know that they purchased existing stock??

Yes, that would otherwise be “family homes” and not available for social housing.

DCC delivers 74 social houses a year.
60% of local authority rents are in arrears.

have you figured the cost of arrears vs cost of HAP?

also arrears can be attached to SW payments if the council gets their finger out



Do you know that for a certainty?

From the state’s perspective would it not make sense for the council to buy these houses as opposed to being outbid for them by a fund and then renting them back from the fund at an increased cost to the state?

not quite my friend. the average annual arrears would probably be in the region of a monthly HAP payment. so which do you think is the most thing to reduce?

It would do if the state had demonstrated any competence in this area. They are also hamstrung by the inability to enforce payment of rent. Then again we’re in the country where the compliant mortgage payer has an extra percent on their mortgage rate because Pamela and Ronan Flood, Brian O’Donnell and the brothers in Castlerea can’t be evicted.

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Fair point Art. I’d attribute it to the authorities wanting to avoid Glen Hansard turning up with his guitar.

in fairness, hansard and his guitar would present an appalling nightmare scenario to many

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I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here, it seems to be incoherent gibberish.

I have a query…
I was talking to a lad recently who’s anticipating a bonus at Christmas. This may be somewhat north of €10k but it’s a good figure to work on.
He says he’ll see possibly €5k of it between all the usual mouthfuls the state manage to gobble. Surely there’s a way to circumvent this thievery.

I’m sure there are ramifications for the employer but €10k of say, Dunnes Stores vouchers, would be more beneficial to the beleaguered employee. They’re forking out the loot anyhow, why not be creative.

Pension contribution or take part of it as shares


I think they are taxable.