Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

“Minor attracted people”

Just put a torch to the planet at this stage.

These people are very disturbing. Even to people who regarded themselves as liberal.


What kind of hell hole are you living in ?:scream:

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Enjoy the view my man :+1:


You’re still buzzing after yesterday’s win pal …

Anytime you win 4-1 at home to united is a good day

You must be swamped with the nice posts and on a roll badges mate.


Count your blessings and hug your loved ones tonight. These poor courageous young lads, who would have faced a grim enough struggle even had they made it across. We are all mostly born lucky on here. Some folk have little chance.
I can’t help thinking that this blood is on Tony Blair and Boris Johnson’s hands more than most.


I’m not generally a lock them up and throw away the key type but 10 years seems a very short sentence for such a horrible abusive person. It’s just one horrific deed after another.



Surprisingly short term alright but at least the sick cunt has been caught.

It gives me a shiver the thought of what’s still at large when a fucker in his position was at this.

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I remember he was caught in Leeds a few years ago on video by the paedophile hunters . He should have got life in jail.

In 6.5 years or so that vermin will be walking freely amongst us

A fine nomination for terminal justice.

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I was surprised by the report on 6:01. I had read him saying that he was glad he’d gotten caught because he was in such a dark place and I had bought all that shit. Turns out he refused to help the investigators and hasn’t told them who the Filipino girl in the video is, so she hasn’t been rescued. She was probably murdered or something. Also a baby in the video.

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I know it’s not often I’d comment on shot, but that cunt should have been hung drawn and quartered in old money terms, fucking vermin.


On shit not shot.

AKA in the 6 counties as the “ ultimate sanction “

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I only caught a bit of it but the Garda seemed to praising their investigation on the steps on the court. He wouldn’t have been caught only for him basically being handed to them by the vigilante group.


Look, I suppose the fact that they managed to convict without some fuck up whole gathering evidence or whatever is a result


I exchanged very similar size and weight packages with a friend in Portugal. My postage was €11.50 while his was only €5. His was tracked and signed for. Mine was not.

Despite this being very wrong. The fact is that the bulk of the work in postal services is at the delivery end.

The question I’m trying to ask is basically how does the postal charges between Ireland and Portugal add up? Who gets what? I assume there’s more money to be made receiving a parcel than delivering a parcel?