Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

What thread for this?

It’s guided by your search history :eyes:


Got that right

Revenge is a dish best served cold.


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Jealous Manchester United fans leaving bad reviews of the Inn. Poor form.

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What’s the issue here? Women free to make a choice?

Basically it would prevented people from terminating a child solely on the basis that they find out it has a disability.

Children should not be like toasters where you return to the shop and get your money back if it’s faulty. My own view it’s abhorrent to terminate a pregnancy on the basis of the child having a disability and parents or prospective parents who do this do not have an ounce of care in their bodies

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I wouldn’t comment on the decision of any woman to make about her own body, just my opinion.

She was happy enough to carry a baby but just changed her mind when she realised it wasn’t perfect?

It’s abhorrent.


Didn’t one of the assexual Tyrone posters once get into a bit of bother here for mocking people with Downs Syndrome
There was definitely something

Looks like the lads who say “my body, my choice” when it comes to vaccines and their “right” to cough all over others are massive hypocrites when it comes to women exercising their bodily choice.

Who would have thought? :grinning:

Not directly, words like spastic, retard and downer or that have been used in the past at a time when they were deemed acceptable more to insult a person rather than these groups but I think we can all agree now that this was not cool and acceptable and was wrong.



Maybe so, but her choice, not mine to tell her what to do.

Ms.Stratton was lucky she wasn’t burned to death there.
The Opel Zafira are prone to combusting at the drop of a hat….

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Boxtyeater with 3 posts in the top 4 on the board.
I’m morphing into missing poster @myboyblue ……

Signing out….Later dudes…


Did you give yourself a bit of a fright?

The next ball you collect you throw it up into his face and pull like a divil. That’d learn him.
If the ref says anything you can tell him “sure the ball was there”