Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

They sent us a reminder last night and all tbf to put bin out just never said which one

Did you ring them?
Maybe itā€™s different in the country but theyā€™d always drop around to collect for us, weā€™re forever forgetting, weā€™d probably be more careful if they let us sit on it :grinning:

Happened us this morning. Forgot to put out the brown bin. Heard the fuckers at 6am outside the window. Couldnā€™t be arsed at that stage. When I walked down to get the paper afterwards, I noticed that 2/3 of the estate weather getting caught out as well

Havenā€™t all those operations websites that tell you the scoreā€¦.

Youā€™ve been mugged off royally.

The score in the paw before Christmas would have prevented this catastropheā€¦

Burn it out the back

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The green bin isnā€™t the worst one to miss. You can bring it to the recycling.

Itā€™s a bastardā€¦ Iā€™ve missed the last two (different bins) ā€¦for 4 years theyā€™ve come between 12-2ā€¦ And theyā€™ve now switched to 9 in the morningā€¦ I know you should have it out the night before but you have youā€™re little habits and routines.

Standing on bins and hiding rubbish in your neighbours bin is no way to carry on but we canā€™t all just destroy the planet like @TreatyStones

Whatā€™s that?

Our lads give us the printed timetable during December for the coming year. Put it up on wall, job oxo.

Personal responsibility.

As covid has shown, something seriously lacking in Ireland.

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Didnā€™t even think of that will chance it but generally only around this way once a week

They do. I was convinced it was the recycling week didnā€™t even check. And they got the score as well

Anywayā€¦ My own fault :pensive:

If itā€™s a big operation theyā€™ll have a mini-crusher on the road as well, might take care of you

The bin companies are afraid to lose you

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What sort of lemonade stand households are you lads running

Bins around Christmas time is championship hurling. Thereā€™s no do over.


Any lad not on the panda app with notifications turned on needs their head examined

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Your some buck these days to show us your moral superiority since you got married and have been on house arrest since.What happened you?


I wish!

Because I do the right thing?

Fail to prepareā€¦ā€¦

Lads semi comatose from craft beers and boxes of Heroes saying theyā€™ll put the bins out in the morning.

Dr Tony was right about the Micks.