Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I told you this morning.
Fuck up

Sorry @TheUlteriorMotive
That post was meant for @Thomas_Brady but half ye fuckers have andy Robinson avatars now and an old fool like me gets mixed up easily.

@Thomas_Brady . Fuck up



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PM me your address, Iā€™ll send on some lighter fluid and a box of matches.

Merry Xmas pal, think nothing of it

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Back off cunt. Me and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy have that gig boxed off round here.

Step in so, the man is clearly wobbled. Could start his new year entirely off kilter

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy head down to Cork please. Iā€™m having a few cans here. Careful in the van though. Theres a huge hole in the exhaust and its hanging off.

When I moved into the place Iā€™m in, the previous owners left a bin absolutely fucking wedged from packing up. I was.already on a contract which moved with me from.last place so was landed with this fucking monster of a bin the previous bon company now refused to pick up.

Mail came in for previous owners and i asked the neighbours had they a forwarding address for them. I taped said mail to the bin lid, taped the lid to shut and myself and the young lad delivered to the previous owners doorstep and let them deal with it.

A wedged bin with no collection in sight can stir the rawest of primal emotions


Guess they didnā€™t leave a bottle of wine in the fridge for you then?

Seems to be a theme here :thinking:

Animals burning rubbishā€¦

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Fuck up

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Iā€™d to check twice that wasnā€™t aimed at me.

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Itā€™s ok
I double checked as well

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She even took the fucking blinds from every window!

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Well, this post has come back to haunt me. While Fabioā€™s parcel arrived here after a few days, mine (posted the end of November) just got delivered in Portugal yesterday. Iā€™m not sure who to blame for this, the over-payed Irish postal system or the cheaper Portuguese.


Thatā€™s the same parcel, believe it or not.

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He said in a terrible Irish accent ā€œpotato potato potatoā€ Thin end of the wedge stuff but I wasnā€™t taking it on the pitch. He would say ā€œcurry curry curry ā€œ to an Indian lad. Iā€™m currently up for 30 days but the club have submitted evidence and asked for an appeals panel.

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OK, Iā€™ll rephrase thatā€¦ Did you react verbally or physically?

No and thatā€™s a regret. Currently in the hands of England hockey to decided on my red card. I fear nothing will happen. So I should have split him.

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I pushed him and shouted at him. Asked him to repeat it which he didnā€™t . Cared him a cunt then the umpire red carded me. I shocked myself with my restraint