Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Youll get your chance again lad,its a long road with no turns.

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Oh yea. We’ll see.the wheel is roind


You did grand. No point in landing a court case on yourself either.


That’s true too. Been a hard month to be honest. I’d see myself as fairly robust but never thought that would happen to me.


You haven’t lived in Blighty if you’ve never been called a “Paddy”

Were you not born and raised in England to Irish parents declan or is that a different tfker?

No. I’m born and raised in ireland and moved to England.

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That’s not that bad.
I generally reply “go fuck yourself you inglish cunt” when summat like that happens.
They rarely do much.
The English are a stupid race in the main, albeit intelligent ones are uber-bright.
I was called a “thick Irish cunt” on a building site back in the day, to which I replied “better than being a thick English cunt”.
He actually laughed as I feared for my life (I was a young lad, and he was an older cockney type)


That VHI Healthcare ad.


None of them aged well.

Hard reading this. RIP.


Some lady. RIP

She didn’t whine, sought no pity, excelled herself.

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How can I stop children from playing in the courtyard of my apartment complex? (irishtimes.com)

That’s it - look after the postie etc and they’ll look after you

Katy fucking Perry. The things we do for love.

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This type of reaction imo only encourage another nut job to do something similar.

Was that meant for this thread?
Such a basic and simple mark of respect. This poor girls murder has turned the whole country into raving lunatics, how could you have issue with that, she was a schoolteacher