Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Iā€™ve done quite a bit of research into this in the past (i.e. reading other peopleā€™s research).

Itā€™s quite healthy for children to be exposed to news from a young age, to have an understanding of the world we live in, warts and all.


Great piece boy

Earlier than that. My mam was minding my kids one day and she brought the two of them aged 4 and 6 to a funeral Mass. She saw nowt wrong with it but I ended up answering questions non stop for 12 months from the youngest. Every time he would hear of someone dying all he would want to know was what age were that manā€™s kids when he diedā€¦ Orā€¦ What age would I be if you died at the same age as him

Tormented he was


When I was about five me oulā€™ fella took me to see his Aunt Peg out in Milltown. Da told me that Aunt Peg was dying but that I was not to mention it.

As soon as I was introduced to Aunt Peg I asked her, bold as brass, ā€œwhen are you going to die?ā€

Me oulā€™ fella reacted like Father Ted when Dougal asked Len Brennan ā€œhowā€™s the son?ā€

I think I understood it then, though Aunt Peg saw the humour in it.

Then I saw the Challenger disaster on the telly and I understood what death was even more.


Iā€™ve had a lot of that too. Itā€™s when they start to ask are you insured that you really want to worryā€¦


Or when they start asking about the fair deal scheme .


Youā€™re very exercised today. Bit odd seeing as youā€™ve previous for objectifying women.


A tough read


Awful. Hard to understand why the messages continued after the poor chap committed suicide.

Jesus Iā€™m seething after reading that. Misfortunate young fella. His parents did, you would think, everything right to help him got him counselling, moved schools, put him in touch with fr Jason who is clearly a good sort. Fuck me that is sickening to read


It wasnā€™t explained tbh. It was just a few prayers for a deceased colleague who passed away in tragic circumstances and was left at that. Iā€™d imagine it was the same everywhere. Principals would know their audience and how to put it or 90% would.

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School hasnā€™t done enough there I donā€™t think. Never heard of that kind of business with toilets. That should be for movies.

Seemed a great lad. Kids can be awful cunts.


Thatā€™s heartbreaking

what the?

I presume they just mean he didnā€™t know he was bullied?

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Sorry, I posted the wrong extract. - edited now

Ya thatā€™s fairly shocking.

Our place text out to say they were doing it after school before a staff meeting. I actually thought having the little first class students lined up at the funeral was a bit much but I suppose the expert advice is not to hide them from it and let them achieve some type of ā€˜closureā€™


Shocking sad.

Bullies should be named and shamed. Iā€™m sure they will grow from it and correct themselves, or not, but as it is they get away scot free

Reading about another murder of a child by his parents in England. Horrific. A broken society.