Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Didnā€™t she rip DJ off as well and the mother at one stage?

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Constantly overcrowded so all get out early
Some donā€™t do any time

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Finally someone who knows something.

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Itā€™s true unfortunately

Apparently for minor stuff, like if you refuse to pay say a fine, the court will sentence you to, for example, a month in prison. You show up and they release you the same day.
The usual suspects are well aware of this so donā€™t bother paying any car tax, speeding tickets etc

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There is an auld lad from back home who would be big into finishing. He was caught fishing out of season and without a licence. There was a history between him and baliff - or at least i think that is what they are called - who caught him, he got a 4 figure fine and told the judge he was retired and couldnā€™t afford to pay it. He was got a nominal prison sentence - i canā€™t remember if it was a day or a week.

Anyway to cut a long story short, he arrived into Limerick Prison and made him sit on a bench in the office for 4 hours or so and he got the bus home.


The bold corner



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A local character who has since passed on, told us a similar yarn one time.
He got sentenced to jail for not paying a fine. There was no room in Limerick so two detectives were assigned to bring him to Cork the next day. They called out to the house to collect him that morning, dropped him at the gates of Cork prison and headed off to play a game of golf.

The guards are returning home later that evening and who did they spot only my man thumbing on the side of the road. Heā€™d gone into the prison, they told him they were full as well, made him wait a few hours in reception and let him go again. The cops picked him up, took him for dinner in Charleville and dropped him back home in time for his supper.


Aulā€™ lad from Clonlara 1.
Bailiff + Judiciary 0.

Poor oulā€™ divil merely passing the day. Proper order, harming nobody.


He the bones of 40 years doing it. I remember once as a young chap being over at the house kicking ball with his sons and i went into the bathroom to use the toilet and he had a big fuck off trout he caught earlier that morning swimming around in the bath.


Crazy situation

One for the owl yarns thread there

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Did he have a herby name?

Was it Basil?

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Ha no, was a contemporary of his alright

ā€¦with his tae in his mug?

It did sound like him

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That would have been the rod licence controversy which happened around 89/90.
My next door neighbour did time for that, no way was he paying, became somewhat of a local celebrity, appearing on the front of the Echo and Examiner