Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Nuala refuses to stop using her windows7 machine and is shtill running Word 2013 and won’t budge from it.


And that’s how the HSE got hacked.


You can’t hack a piece of paper…

Brenda has the only key to the filing cabinets. But she’s been on sick leave since November 2019.


Pick the lock on an old filing cabinet that contains personal private information information…steal any piece of paper.


Edit: Just saw @caulifloweredneanderthal 's post.


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I got clamped in Dublin city centre a few years ago in error and to appeal it you had to send a letter to Dublin City Council

Fuck me. Even Cork had an email address 12years ago.

They always said no but you got off if you were willing to go inti court.




Steve was with him. It’s just awful.

That’s a tragedy.
As a parent it’s unimaginable.


Ah thats awful. RIP.

Oh fuckk flatty. I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s horrendous. RiP.
Happened here in the local tri club (I’m not in it but know a good few who are). It’s heartbreaking and makes it feel weirder when someone who spends so much time staying healthy passes away like that. So wrong.
Ar dheis Dè go raibh a anam.

Christ but that’s a tough one. You do not indeed know the day nor the hour. Condolences.

Sorry to hear that @flattythehurdler

Sorry to hear that @flattythehurdler , may he rest in peace.

No car involved. Just came off going downhill on a corner. I didn’t actually know him only to see, but people in general are well shook.

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Seachtain na Gaeilge running from Mar 1st. to 17th. Surely Coicise na Gaeilge would be the :ballot_box_with_check: call.