Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

It’s along the same lines as a Gaeltacht grant.

People or organisations who reply to your email with a new email message.

Because they are not referencing your original email, half the time they respond to the question they think you asked, or the question they wanted you to ask, and not the question that you actually asked.

It also makes it more difficult to reference your original email to see what you actually did ask as the reply often makes no sense.

There must be a reason for this. It may be a stupid reason as it’s much easier to hit the reply button rather than start a mew email, but I assume there is a reason. It’s hardly down to email storage space, is it?

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That’s hard going @flattythehurdler, RIP to all involved. Happened to us on the TdeM back in 2015. Very sad to have to deal with.

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Was out with my pal on the bike last weekend who was there when it happened. He was deeply upset, but it looks like he probably had a cardiac event on the bike and actually was unconscious when he crashed. They did CPR for ages before he was airlifted. Two twenty year old young lads were out with them as well. Really awful. He is well shook.
He feels guilty as it was a long hard ride.

I wasn’t there for our incident but would be very close to those who were there on the day and gave CPR until the ambulence arrived. They’re haunted by it. Our member was elderly, pretty sure he was early 70s at the time. Had just gotten over cancer and was just the most pleasent gentleman you’d ever meet. They were down around the Lauragh area of West Cork after a day in the saddle. He was someone who you’d be minding as he’d be fine on the flat but you’d be giving him a hand on the inclines. He’d always get there, just in his own time (quite like what it’s like to have Down Syndrome). With around 5km to go the group went around a corner, there was a bit of grit/gravel which was called but just caught our comrade out, he fell and hit his head.

He went out with is cleats on and we’ll always remember him.

The picture below was taken earlier that day. His road captain is helping him up an incline and had been doing so most of the day. Here you see the road captain being pushed by another road captain as he knew the hard work he had done that day. A great picture.



My mate feels bad, as the lad had asked him would he be able for it. My mate is the nicest person and would never say anything but “course you will”. It’s just his nature, but he feels guilty. I just said it was as likely the tide would turn back as him not welcome the lad along, but it was a long ride from Manchester down through edale and up maam tor. Happened at the top of maam tor.
Such is life.


That is a great image btw. Proves what I’ve always thought, that the Irish are the individually kindest people you’ll ever meet.



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Are they replying but your orig message is hidden. It’s not a new email but your bit is gone. This is the way we were instructed to do our emails a year ago and any of the professional Depts still do it. Some form of GDPR. They don’t want threads mentioning wans going on tea break or anything actually sensitive I had to change back for the reasons you stated.

Sorry about that RIP.

You disagree?

But the question is why?

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This chap has a very haggered looking face, he looks about 50.
He’s have been great in a 1970’s spaghetti western


You couldn’t have a harmless aul divil like that in jail


I feel nothing but shame for my county.

Haha Leitrim…

Mammy everywhere outside Dublin but they were too embarrassed to admit it :man_shrugging:

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Kerry mom is always one I noticed. They all do it. A hangover from gaeilge rather than American TV I presume.