Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Paul Merson played football to a high level. I donā€™t take Paul Mersonā€™s views on football seriously because heā€™s a moron.

Your logic is: Paul Merson played football, therefore Paul Merson is an unimpeachable authority on football.

Jenner is plainly a narcissistic attention seeker and a moron. As Iā€™ve already said, I wouldnā€™t pay much attention to her views on any subject.

Much worse judges out there than Merson. Called Maguireā€™s level and how heā€™d struggle at Manchester United from the beginning. He just doesnā€™t articulate himself well.


If somebody is making no effort to change anything about themselves then what does the ā€˜transā€™ refer to at all?
I donā€™t have a clue because itā€™s not something that interests me really, you asked about my kids and changing rooms, if you arrived in with a hairy chest and wearing a Liverpool tracksuit then I wouldnā€™t take you seriously and assume you were a deviant.
There is a starting point I assume, you need to start taking hormones or whatever? Iā€™m honestly unsure of when somebody qualifies for the ladies changing room.

But to answer your question I would think that somebody transitioning should make effort with their appearance and dress, is that wrong? I dunno

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Owen Slot is a reasonable man in general.

Should that come as a surprise? Thereā€™s lads in here whoā€™d fight to their e-death over American politics but havent stepped foot on American soil.

Lots of people seem to love an argument, being directly related to it is no pre-requisite to entering the fray. Nor should it be.


Itā€™s the ones who belittle womens sport at every opportunity that are shouting loudest

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Whilst we are at it, I canā€™t see what putting this idiot teenager in jail for six weeks will achieve or benefit anyone.

So you dismiss their identification as a woman unless they change their physical appearance?

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Aoife wilfully ignoring the fact that there are an awful lot of both men who do watch womenā€™s sport, and female competitors upset by it.

I think itā€™s just ladies Gaelic football thatā€™s mocked the world over. Near on everything else is respected.

19 year oldā€¦ā€¦

Itā€™s now or never for him Iā€™d suspect.

Jail though, and six weeks at that?
Surely education and community service would serve better?

Six weeks of Education

The responses to this sum it up for me. The right decision is made. Its not right a person born male competes in female sport. But the glee shown by every single response here, calling Emily Bridges a bloke etc and this ā€œgender cultā€ is masking their own prejudices on it. The right decision can be made without so much venom aimed at the person in question. There is no easy solution to this, creating a separate trans competition is pointless as there wouldnt be enough competitors, so hard to know.

The above comment is not reflective on those here as for the most part as @caulifloweredneanderthal said, its been a reasonable discussion on it. But just in general, there can be a way to go about this without tearing the trans athletes apart


Probably more than heā€™s ever had before.
I donā€™t think Irish people understand quite how utterly fcuked up swathes of England are.

Kinda like our own ā€œ loon finder ā€œ @Watchyourtoes

The outbreak of violence in Waterford

Kids beating the shit out of each other

Oh I think we do, probably a lot better than the English do.

Is this a trap? :grinning:
Iā€™m quite ignorant on the topic obviously,
So Iā€™ll say yes, if somebody makes no attempt to look like a woman and doesnā€™t submit to the appropriate treatment then I donā€™t consider them a woman.