Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I was merely trying to determine at what stage you/we determine when someone is a woman from a scale of man to full op. The example used was female changing room… What i gathered from your response is that the person would have to at least dress like a woman? Anything before that is a man?

We aren’t opining on the trans issue. We are opining specifically on the fairness in competitive sport.

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Of course there’s nuance. Rules, such as what the IAAF operates, are highly nuanced.

I am not in a position as a cis male to have an opinion on trans matters but i think after years of women looking for equality and more exposure for their sports i feel its very disingenuous that the supporters of trans athletes can compete against women fail to see the impact on women. These athletes have a genetic advantage of being a male of a good portion of their life, having testosterone and the abilities to build greater muscle mass naturally are competing against women who have talent and dedication to get to the top level. Its a slap in the face of women’s sport and female athletes are now second class in a virtue signal war. I hate to think someone loses out on big achievements they worked towards due to this. If a female athlete was doping with testosterone they would be rightfully disqualified. What options are there? Specific classes for trans athletes? A method to place a handicap on abilities vs personal best scores etc?

Pop in to make him itch? :joy:

You might as well wave a white flag ffs

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The Kingsguard have been summoned I see.

Here we go.

You stated that those who had a different opinion to yours were wrong ( as per usual ).

“ The usual loons here trying to rationalise this, typical. “

When called up on your mental superiority complex you strangely enough played the man as opposed to the ball yet again.

Carry on. It’s wonderful to see you play this complex out in the open yet again.

The only complex shown repeatedly around here is the inferiority one you possess magnified by your bitter and begrudging nature. Have a wonderful evening now.

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Beats a roll eyes emoji I guess.

Night night now

That doesn’t even make any sense. I would say you are one of several posters here who have consistently shown a complex displaying bitterness and begrudgery towards the idea that trans people might have rights or be treated with respect and empathy rather than ridicule.

It isn’t bitterness or begrudgery to challenge such beliefs.

You can have an opinion on anything. Don’t be pandering to ‘progressives’, you clown.


Did you decide yet if it was right or wrong if a star male athlete made the decision to transition and compete in the female field? You refused to answer last year on the basis it was hypothetical.

I see you also earlier refused to acknowledge Caitlyn Jenner’s POV because quelle surprise you put their political leanings ahead of the fact Jenner is both a medal winning Olympian and trans but sure suiting the narrative and all that.


I find that offensive that you used clown to insult somebody who identifies as a clown


Why would I take the views of a grade A moron seriously?

Which both you and Jenner are, by the way.

A neat trick that horrible, reactionary individuals like yourself always use is to identify a member of the community they seek to discriminate against who themselves hold reactionary views which work against their own community. And then to justify your own horrible reactionary bigotry based on placing ludicrously undue weight on the views of that individual. And without ever stopping to think if the views of that one (extremely narcissistic) individual are in any way representative of the views of that entire community. Which they are not.

It’s why, for instance, @Tierneevin1979 endorses Candace Owens, who is an active agent of oppression against black people, even though she is one.

Sure it was the same in 2015 during the marriage referendum. A few self promoting gobshites of gay lads who loved the sound of their own voices were trumpeted endlessly by youse lot because they wanted a No vote. And again, they were held up by youse lot as if their voices somehow carried more weight because they were useful idiots openly working against the interests of gay people.

In 2018 during the 8th Amendment referendum it was “oh look, a woman who is against abortion, if a woman said it, she can’t be challenged, to hell with the views of the vast majority of women!”

So in summary you still can’t answer the question and you just spent 25 mins typing out another prolonged rant as to why you refuse to acknowledge Jenner(it’s because she’s Republican) simples.

Your “question” was that of a grade A moron hooked on hate filled tabloid garbage.

You’re not interested in the issues. You’re interested in spewing generalised hatred against an extremely vulnerable and marginalised community, because it’s the only weapon you have against your own feeling of worthlessness. To try and kick “down”.

And because the right wing media tell you to do so.

Trans rights shouldn’t be a controversial subject. Right wing blowhards have made sure it to deliberately whip it up into such to use as a wedge issue to distract from their own uselessness at improving people’s lives.

“placing ludicrously undue weight on the views of that individual.” Your words in relation to an Olympic medalist now transgender voicing their opinion in regard to the topic of trans in sport. Try taking that old tea cosy that youse and your ilk love to wear off your head every now and then it will work wonders.