Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

What are you basing this on farmer? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t think people come to this on a whim or without going through psychologists and other experts, so they’re big assumptions.

I’m saying as a young teenager you can’t possibly have a developed brain to full appreciate transitioning and that it’s more likely that teenagers have esteem issues common in puberty.

I would agree with a lot of that. What fully grown adults choose to do is up to themselves and more power to them but children taking these decisions is all kinds of wrong. @TheUlteriorMotive mentioned yesterday about a kid of 5 he knows choosing to identify as a different gender. You’d barely let a 5 year old choose what to have for dinner nevermind something as life changing as this. Teenagers go through phases all the time and grow out of these phases all the time and should not be allowed to make these life changing decisions at that age.


What are you basing that on? My understanding is that isn’t the approach taken by psychologists.

It’s my own opinion.

Opinions should be based on something.

Common sense.

the current approach is based on affirmation but that’s being challenged significantly and a number of countries have moved away from that model to adopt a more holistic approach i.e. deal with mental health issues as much as possible before radical surgery or puberty blockers

My point is that sentencing “pour encourager les autres” results in some poor cunt with shell shock getting stood against a wall in front of the new recruits. It is not just. It is not fair. Is is something, but I’m not sure what. Compare with ballymalloe man avoiding jail after paying for photos of child rape an torture. One was as an adult, and a repeated offence, and a wicked evil premeditated series of acts which resulted in very great real time harm, the other was a teenager/child with a grossly offensive quick tweet.
Punishment was certainly warranted in the first instance, yet wasn’t delivered. What good will six weeks in prison do for a racist tweet, delivered likely on the spur of the moment by a teenager who may well have been drunk?
If you want to punish him, 48 hours would have been enough. It will do society no benefit whatsoever. Teenage boys are stupid. We all know that. I’d argue that the whole public trial was punishment enough. He could have been sent to learn about the word, and all the horror associated with it. I’d wager his main exposure to it was through rap music rather than history. He also could have been made work in a care home or pick up litter.
Do you think he is likely to come out of jail a better person?


Did the experts on here know that today is International Transgender Day of Visibility?

The big assumption here is that “experts” have any absolute fact to back up decisions. Many can be drawn to a field by preconception and bias. Experts recommended all sorts of horrific surgery, from bleeding and leeches to hysterectomy to frontal lobotomy in the past. I think the practice in this area is at times highly dubious at best.

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I’d safely say the psychologists have a lot more to go on than farmer’s “common sense” anyway.

You’ve compared two different crimes in two different jurisdictions there. Lots of factors are taken into consideration by judges in sentencing, that snippet of a news article doesn’t really give a full account.

Judges are as open to having a bad temper day, or being fearful of a media backlash as anyone. I’ve seen some frankly ludicrous and depressing behaviour from some.
I’m aware it was different jurisdictions, but the point stands.

Learn about the word ffs, anyone of that age, using that slur knows well what they were doing, is it because Rashford plays for Man Yoo that you don’t agree with the sentence?

It seems only area of medicine where the treatment is patient led. People are going to a doctor and telling them what they need or want.

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I’d safely say quite a few psychologists are dangerous, and have strange skewed interest, and common sense would serve them far better.
Ive said before that in generations to come, the gender reassignment industry such as it is may well be viewed with horror.
People are far too quick to accept the word of a psychologist or a medical professional without their own due diligence.


The UK police and CPS love an online hate speech prosecution. It’s a policy decision. In much the same way as not prosecuting burglary is.

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You’re saying they should do their own research?

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