Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

It seems so, though as ever it may be just the media loving it more than anything. The court system in the UK has been utterly fucked by the Tories. Women are reported to have been asked to drop domestic battery and rape charges because there has been a delay of years to trial, with no end in sight.

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That you think hate speech should be less harshly punished?

Iā€™m saying they should take due parental responsibility. Are you saying they shouldnā€™t?

I certainly donā€™t think a one line tweet from a teenager in his bedroom warrants six weeks in jail.

It may also be the 85 per cent prosecution success rate. Itā€™s an easy one to get the metrics up. Prosecuting a burglary is a little more involved.

If that sixteen year old had punched Rashford in the face heā€™d not get six weeks.

They decided to go after it and criminalise young lads saying stupid things on Twitter.

What do you consider hate speech?

How is that relevant?

I think thatā€™s redundant because I highly doubt many people take this path on a whim nor allow their children to to be honest.

You do kniw psychologists are still unregulated in ireland.

So you want hate speech on the statute book but dont think defining hate speech is relevant?


Self regulated like the gambling boys?

Theyre supposed to come under CORU regulation but i think they need new legislation first

Its the other way round flatty. The medics are hopelessly being compromised by the affirmation model. Sure look at the GIDS/mermaids stuff over on the mainland.


Fairly simple question

Itā€™s relevant and important if you think a punishment should be more severe if hate speech is involved.

Hate speech most certainly needs to be defined before suggesting a punishment. And on the subject of punishment, whatā€™s the purpose of punishment? To leave a person with a criminal record for life and all the consequences that carries? Or to have someone see the error of their ways/comments and re-educate them? Iā€™ve zero idea of how the law works, but could such offences be classed as civil with community work or similar as punishment with potential criminal charges with failure to comply? @artfoley

Some crimes need punishment, others need education, and some a little of both.
This sentence was entirely punitive when it should have been 80% educational at least.


Oh heā€™ll get an education in jail alrightā€¦

To be honest, to have draconian punishments and criminal records would be counter productive and should be reserved for egregious offences. Better to teach offenders about the other person and their perspective through education and community service.

Im far from convinced of the need for this type of legislation with the non fatal offences and malicious communications legislation already on the books. Add to that the nebulous concept of what is a hate crime at any point in time makes me uncomfortable.

Pretty much every violent crime and malicious communication has a hate aspect to it and it should be dealt with as an aggravating factor at sentencing thus negating the need for the legislation