Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Politicians love making a new law rather than seeking enforcement of a perfectly sensible existing law.

A silly comment as a teenager shouldn’t destroy your life. Beating a girl unconscious, as a teenager, should destroy your life.


Lads, just to clarify, is the joke about the famous Romanian transgender soccer player no longer acceptable no? Cos it’s one of my favs

Bulgarian soccer player no?

Same jurisdiction.

Whichever mate.

Anyway, is it still acceptable. Because it’s a great oul classic

I won’t lie lads, if there is a transgender person who could operate the Peter Casey role.

We would welcome that.

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180 hours community service for this…


The conversation was to do with a person convicted of hate speech in the UK. I don’t understand what what I consider hate speech has to do with anything. What are you on about? You could look up the UK legislation for their definition if you think that might be helpful?

I would disagree with pretty much all of that. Every violent crime and malicious communication has a hate element to it? That’s complete nonsense for a start. The reason additional rules are needed for racially motivated crimes are fairly clear to anyone if they’d do even a cursory bit of reading on it I reckon.

We’ll have a fair center back on the camogue team if Kyle Hayes ever decided to transition


Kylie Hayes


Well you could knock me down with a feather.

Yes nearly every crime has a hate element to it, just not your definition.of hate. It can be misogyny, misandry race based, socio economic or even a low level of tolerance for handwringing gobshites

Please share some of that cursory reading that clearly demonstrates that legislation rather than using as an aggravating factor at sentencing.

Poor owl Bobby had a bad case of Vitas Gerulaitis during the night and the cage was like the hblocks when I went down to let him out this morning. Went through three pairs of rubber gloves, a roll of kitchen paper and half a bottle of flash trying to clean it up.

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What’s Vitas Gerulaitis in relation to dog poo?

A grand slam of poo.

Anus Eruptus


Did Vitas have an anus eruptos on court or something?

Something to do with noxious fumes?

Nice Half Man Half Biscuit reference there.

Lost on the resident idiot, of course.

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It’s just an expression for illness that was mildly amusing 45 years ago.


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