Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

I haven’t encountered that yet myself. Then again I wouldn’t be at too many sing songs either.

Oh it’s a thing now.

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There’s a facebook page called something like "Irish singing sessions " and you’d see lads at organised sing songs with the phones out.


Something for the kids to watch. No one else. We got a friend to do ours, he used a camcorder belonging to the best man, we obviously weren’t too bothered about it. I put it on when I got it to see about editing it, I knew I was fucked when me man blessed himself with the camera in his hand.


I will say i quite enjoyed Johnny Smacks 3 minute montage he put up the other day on Instagram for his one year anniversary.

A real earthiness to it i found.


Someone sent me something from Facebook months back of a bit of music being played in a pub in An Rinn back in the early 1970s.
The video clip was of my grandfather playing the accordion. It was great to see him playing away. He was always playing tunes on it when I was young.
I wonder did it come from that page.


Got our wedding videoed. Mrs Pox’s auld lad passed away a few years after it and before any of the small poxes were of this world. She sometimes shows the bits with him in it to the kids. He speaks a small bit. The kids never heard his voice.

I think those wedding videos gather golddust in time and are worth the spondulicks. Over the past two years I saw bits of ones from an uncle and an aunt. My aunts one was the church part with grandparents, grand uncles and aunts. A load of my genetation as small kids.

My uncles one showed the afters. A load of neighbours going buck ape singing and dancing.


That’s exactly the reason.

My grandchildren will see and hear my late father without ever having met him. Many others that were at my wedding 25 years ago have also passed on since. It’s good that there is a visual record of them at a time of happiness.


A friend of mine asked me a day beforehand were we doing a video. No, says I. I’ll bring my camera along if you don’t mind, he says to me. A day later, he has the DVD ready. Watched it once but it’ll be brought out at some stage again in the future (although I wouldn’t be inflicting it on others).

Never did it ourselves, so I’m not sure whose wedding Bandage ended up watching but he was scammed … Some of the reasons outlined above make me slightly regret it as my kids won’t remember their grandfather at all and it would have been nice to show them him sweating on the mic


A big thing. It’s because the type of people who never would have sung before now think it’s cool. See also drinking Guinness and listening to trad music lankum/Mary wallopers etc

100pc. Videoing the actual mass is a bollox though. I actually dont think we video our kids in their normal every day life enough they are far far better to look back on than photos.

What planet are you living on?


Well talking personally actually. Not sure what others do but I literally never video them bar the very odd time blowing out birthday candles or cycling a bike for the first time. Never just doing normal every day things or chatting or whatever.

Maybe it’s the company I’m stuck with. Very rare for a child to wipe it’s nose nowadays without someone having the phone out

A family friend of ours is a bit of a performer and did some singing at our wedding. We had a chuckle about her as she’d be a fierce show woman. She’s since developed dementia and is only there about 5% of the time. Hard to reconcile the two people.

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I’d throw on a wedding compilation video the odd time. ‘The Great Escapes’ i call it


a guy local to me with 5 kids

felt sick Stephens day, went to hospital the next day & passed away with sepsis, they think he may have got a cut & it got infected - lives utterly changed over something that could happen to us any day of the week


My daughter’s godfather messaged from Melbourne to say that one of his best friends was diagnosed with a brain tumor on Dec 23 and died before new year. Three kids. :slightly_frowning_face: