Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

95 % sure. It has a jack for a wheel in the car and the mechanic reckons it had one.

Did you buy the car second hand?

Yes. Off a lad i know…

Ask him for the spare wheel


Don’t you mean Berlingo?

A spare tyre under the car?

That’s a strange place for it.

That’s where they used to be kept years ago.

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Woulda been common enough one upon a time. I remember our Renault having it. You’d spin it down from the boot if memory served me correctly, or was it from underneath? Thats a hazy. But I remember the lift and how it came down distinctly.

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I think the French brands were divils for it

Sage advice right here.

No. The family wagon. Everyone should have a diesel seven seater at the ready.

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Yeah, I had it under the car in the Renault 18. You’d spin it down from the boot as you say.


Fellas (plenty of them) mugging pints in the Padraig Pearse pub on Pearse St at 8 o clock in the morning this morning.


The “taxi drivers and dockers coming off their shift” I suppose?

They looked like boozehounds in the main.


Hopefully they’ll remember to text you the next time

Gone very judgemental in here.

What had you in there at that ungodly hour? Maybe they were on a stag/rollover. Were their pupils dilated?

I was walking by looking in the window.