Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Stop would ya. If the new gaff is within sight of a road it’ll be seen

A present from Conor Whelan maybe, after driving past him three times the other day.

(Sorry to read that.)

Take a bow son :clap:

More likely a load of Continentals.


Fuck sake. There’s some sad cunts out there.

Be easy find out who did that. Whether you’d want to tangle with them is another thing.


How would it be easy? @flattythehurdler I presume you’ll report it?

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Advertise them FOC for silage pit covering. You might get a taker for them


Vodafone hotspot (or equivalent) and a few Ring cameras.

I put a few on our site as we were getting closer to the end and had things of value on site.


I was look at getting these myself. You would pick up a 256gb memory card cheap enough too

Genuinely, how would it be easy?

Do ate them to the local hurling club. Then invite Big Henry down to demonstrate how to use them

Heard of a fella recently, just finishing his house. Got all the appliances delivered. The following night the place was cleaned out.

Donate them to the county board, to be divided equally between the U6s and the senior hurling team

Can’t be that many people about who have so many tyres to get rid of. Any crash repair site nearby?

Has Skully Ryan been to Connemara recently?

Some neighbours might have CCTV out the front.
It would have to be a big enough truck. There wouldn’t be that many on the road.
Might be able to get a number plate.

Have you been to the gardai @flattythehurdler, any update?

Gardai not interested. Civil matter.
I’ve emailed the tyre crowd at the council who have acknowledged my email and will get back to me.


Would have thought that level of dumping would be an offence. You’ve probably found it already but there’s an illegal dumping phone line 1800 365 123. You can also report it to the Council.