Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)


An investigation was launched and tyres dumped at the site were traced via their registration numbers to a garage in Moyross, Co Limerick. The owners of the garage revealed that they gave the tyres to a waste tyre collector who was identified as Mr Gleeson. It is understood he made at least €1,000 from disposing of the tyres.

They can go after them if they are arsed.

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Grand and a half not much by way of penalty.


It really improved the ambience in Rockchapel, locals thought it was an art installation

I’ll move them tyres for ya boss for a few bob and a bit for the baba

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The way we Irish seem to give ‘established’ commentators air time without questioning their back story.

Bressie is an obvious one.

The financial advisor bloke Eoin Magee was on Ireland AM there talking about how married couples should manage their money so as to cause the least amount of hassle between them,

Last I heard he was divorced.


Eoin Magee is a mildly amusing name


I was in the airport there Saturday. Two Cork brothers in law chatting, middle class in outlook (one of the children was the inevitable Donncha).
One says to the other, nice trousers, pointing to his shiny grey bottoms. Vuori the other fella says you should check them out. Vuori? Where did you hear about them.
Niall Breslin recommended them. Bressie.
I rolled my eyes.


That’s a racist post. You are better than this.


An ex colleague of mine shared a video on LinkedIn last week with the caption ‘Right as always’.

It was Bressie.

I didn’t open the video.


He’s always at it and no he isn’t.

Stop trying to dox me.


Nasty nasty stuff of a Wednesday. He’ll have to go you’d feel .

What will the next pivot be for Bressie? Where is the future?

A proud racist. Good man.

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Well earned is my contempt for them, as outlined here before.

So it’s ok to be racist if you have had a negative experience with members of the community you are being racist towards?

Yes, an issue with a race (as you described them) who a large element of, torment, terrorise rob and beat up on the weak and elderly. I’d also have an issue with their own elements not doing much to deal with this.

Glad you’ve cleared that up for us. I don’t think racism is ever justified but each to their own.

I hope it never comes to your door.