Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

I agree there’s a rotten and horrendous elements to both sports which needs to be weeded out and eliminated. And every person involved in that aspect of it dealt with in the most severe way.

But you can’t argue with the return the government gets off a relatively inexpensive investment. And I say that as someone who would love to see more municipal sports facilities.

The middle classes in Ireland are a pack of wankers. They are convinced the world owes them a living and will just about take anything that isn’t nailed down to improve their own lot.

Let’s make 20k to 30k unemployed so we can have more running tracks around cities.

Maybe If folk done an honest days work they wouldn’t need to spend their evenings running around a track.


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Does the transfer of taxpayer funds in the guise of prize money and tax breaks to the pockets of the super rich like Magnier, O’Leary et all not leave a sour taste?


O Leary is losing fortunes anyway buying horses. Would have to look but doubt it covers his training fees for a year.

Those yards employ lots of young people part time and full time.

Girl im friendly with rides out two or three lots most mornings in Jessie harringtons before heading to school for her day job.

Dunno on magnier he’s created a lot of employment in rural areas but he does fuck acting with the buying of land.

Not certain how they tax sire fees but that should be doing right.

Remove all benefits for maybe anybody with land over 500 acres too or something like that.

It’s always the same in Ireland just whinge and moan about wanting more and wanting everything on your door step too. I want to live here and work in my dream job.

You ever go to like New York or somewhere and you meet folk from the other side of America and they had to come there for work. They couldn’t stay at home and work in their dream job.

We literally don’t realise how lucky we have it in Ireland. I saw somewhere recently compared to the rest of Europe we have ridiculous percentages of people attending college now but yet still we see fit to complain about everything. It does my head in.

The Nazis employed people in gas chambers too. I know jobs were lost but it was the right thing to do to close them down.

Those people currently working in the horse & greyhound abuse industry should be imprisoned, rehabilitated & then assisted in finding work in other industries.


Simple solution to the housing crisis is to build housing estates on every single gaa pitch in Ireland.

As we know the gaa fans are true gaels and will offer the land for free to solve our crisis.

Swap golf clubs for gaa clubs and you’re going the right way.


Maybe they could use the taxpayer money they receive to pay those people a decent wage.

O’Leary losing money is his business but multi millionaires receiving public funds in the form of sports winnings is wrong, whatever way you look at it.


Id ear mark the golf clubs for growing carrots. Carrots grow great in sandy soils I learned recently and my grand mother used to tell me they improve your eye sight if you eat enough of them.

I won’t fall out over it with you.

O Leary didn’t go to Switzerland or somebody Kip to avoid paying his taxes. He employs plenty and he’s losing fortunes buying horses. He pays his bills and the money does eventually work its way down a long the ladder.

Running tracks are surely to be encouraged.

Trickle down economics doesn’t work.

Tax the rich.

Use the money to fund community developments.

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Did your granny give you any other advice on how to improve your eye sight ?

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the progressive left prefer communities facilities ahead of prize money for billionaires

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I didn’t realise wiping out 20-30k jobs in largely rural areas was progressive.

This why I hate politics. Policies which pit one cohort of people against another.

We are all in this together.

Don’t sit too close to the tv

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Exercise is hugely important. If more people were encouraged to run around tracks at a younger age then our health system would be in a better place. You’d nearly be in awe at the running tracks around the likes of Kilkenny city. There’s no excuse not to go for a run or brisk walk there.