Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Do you not defend this corrupt horsey system that sees itā€™s trainers trapped in poverty?

What are you on about :joy::joy:

So you condemn the corrupt horsey system?

Youā€™ve completely lost me.

Iā€™m confused; horse racing generates billions for the economy, justifying government support, but the trainers who employ a significant amount of the people in the industry are broke?

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Iā€™ve been told this is for 3 reasons

The horses are drug addicts
The trainers love it so much they insist the owners get all the money
Its more lies.

So you refuse to condemn the corrupt horsey industrial complex that keeps trainers living in poverty?

Youā€™re going to have expand on this. I dunno what corrupt system you are on about.

The costs have gone through the roof. Horse racing is far more global. Ireland is selling a lot of our best horses to Hong Kong, Australia and America as well as other Middle Eastern countries.

Our prize money isnā€™t that good so itā€™s incredibly tough for the Majority of trainers.

They must be selling the horses for nothing.

You said yourself it keeps trainers living in poverty did you not? Do you condemn this system or are you defending the forcing of people to live in poverty for your entertainment?

Nope I never said any of that at all. I dunno where youā€™ve pulled it out.

Itā€™s very telling that you refuse to condemn it.

I havenā€™t a clue what you are talking about. So Iā€™m not going to condemn something when I literally have no idea what you are about.

You could say just say it instead of this bizarre series of posts.

There are a lot of industries that are very tough for self employed or PAYE workers in the country but I donā€™t see the government coming along with a big wad of cash for them. Iā€™d imagine none of these trainers are getting by on the minimum wage


They have money for betting, they can fuck off.

You refuse to condemn this system. Youā€™re happy for these people to live in poverty apparently.

Where did I say this? What system?

Many of them are folding up or joining up forces. Many just do it because they love it but itā€™s a very difficult thing to make it pay.

aodhan aodhan aodhan