Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

"If we can get the same training assistance, feed and stimulants that the racehorses receive into our human athletes; we will see further gold.

Additionally, there will probably be no need to slaughter the weaker athletes."

Rob Heffernan


Ah lovely. Weā€™re coming for the cunts.

I donā€™t think his final sentence is correct



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Here we go. From here - https://www.rte.ie/news/upfront/2023/0505/1381028-is-betting-tax-income-fairly-distributed/

Some commentators have continued to question this, but the figures from 2019 clearly demonstrate there is no ring-fencing as the doubling of the betting tax rate to 2% resulted in the betting tax yield increasing from ā‚¬52.3m in 2018 to ā‚¬95m in 2019, yet the fund was only raised by just 5% in the same year.*

Yours in fact checking

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Iā€™ll throw this out there just to annoy a few other folks. From the article above. Blake and Lambo really donā€™t like each other and its an interesting debate.

It stated that full-time hands-on employees in the horse racing and breeding sectors account for approximately 10,000 of the 90,000 total agricultural workers in Ireland, approximately 11%.

Yet, the horse racing industry only receives approximately 3.4% of the ā‚¬2.13 billion that the Department of Agriculture will give in agriculture sector support in 2023.

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Why do we have to come up with makey uppy subsidised jobs for these rural types?

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What do you define as a makey uppy subsidised job?

The lads from the dreary middle class city estates havenā€™t a notion about the level of employment provided by these industries in rural areas.

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Apart from on-course, there should be no bookmakers that arenā€™t state owned and run. Everyone who bets would have an account and be prevented from betting beyond a certain percentage of their income if they are in the red. Ban all online gambling. Make gambling a conscious choice.


Makey uppey employment or real employment?

Makey up like Aodhans tweet?

Oh I hear that train a comin

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Socialist bookies. I like where u are going with this. Instead of ā€˜going to the trotsā€™ like they do in Australia we could ā€˜go to the Trotskysā€™.


We need more athletics tracks

Why donā€™t they ban cars in cities and turn the estates into running tracks.

A new Govt after next election will finish off horse racing
Minister Gary Gannon or some such will sort it out

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Yes but if we have to subsidise an industry to keep rural people occupied could we not get them doing something useful like building or sweeping roads instead?


A lot of fellas have been brainwashed into thinking that horse racing exists for a reason other than gambling.

Thereā€™s loads of opportunities to gamble now lads, we can leave the horsies, itā€™s crooked as fuck anyway

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They can build the running tracks in middle class housing estates