Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Ah feck it’s working now.
What did you do?

“Aldi’s got back to school sorted”.

Ah jaysus, is summer over already?

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When did it start?

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When the schools closed pal.

Continuing my story from the ‘getting old’ thread.

The lad cleaning out next door (it seems to be his profession) is just dumping everything. Lots of good stuff, but I’d have no immediate use for it myself and nowhere to store it.

I asked him would he not try to sell it inside in the market or wherever. He said nobody wants old stuff like that any more. It’s a pity, old but good is no more…

Old stuff like what?

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‘‘Any oul broken wool or horsehair?’’

No, didn’t see that.

Pots, trays, old paperbacks, VHS videos, broken furniture, paints & varnishes. I took some Roundup and snail pellets that you can’t get any more. Two broken trailers, a rotavator that was rusting outside for years.

There was a few galvanised fence posts that had an inbuilt corkscrew for screwing them into the ground. Never saw the likes of them before.

He was there again yesterday and this morning with two trailers and lads in high vis. I’d say most of it is gone now.

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You sound like a hoarder.

I am, but not as bad as some people. The other C*** next door (nominated) must have a caravan by the sea. Every summer he brings back stuff washed up on the beach. Ropes, nets, floats, every sort of shit and throws it out the back. They’ll have some fun sorting that out when the time comes.

Anyway, an old but good example of dandelions.

New, after two sprays last week.

Old, after one spray last night.

Instant death.

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not for you, the glyphosate will take a while to work

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I only use it on dandelions. I pull everything else I can.

This doesn’t make it right but remember your local council are spraying it everywhere. They’d have access to the good stuff.

Home made videos?

Naw, this fellow used be a Minister of the Eucharist.

You’d miss the aul round up all the same.

Fuck it maybe you dont want to watch it so

A cousin with a herd number is a valuable asset

I couldn’t believe it a couple of years ago when I saw the c*** of a neighbour with the red and yellow box of gramaxone. Deadly stuff containing Paraquat. Banned for years. I haven’t gone near the flower beds in my garden that he sprayed it into. Linked with Parkinsons. I’m bad enough.

I wasn’t sure how to spell Gramoxone so I looked it up there now. It’s still legal in the states. One of its main uses is to desiccate the cotton crop before harvest. Unbelievable Jeff!

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Wait until @the_selfish_giant hears that.