Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Seeing the Covid signs still around. Get rid lads. Paint over them. RIP them down. Burn them off.

“Splitting the G”

Fuck off you cunting fucking cunt fuck.


lads putting poison on dandelions

The government are the main culprits.

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Next door neighbour’s daughter, 25, seriously injured in a car crash 10 or 11 days ago and shifted immediately to Cork. Just got a text from her father saying that life support is being withdrawn tomorrow. God help them.


God love them. Every parents worst nightmare.


Desperate. There was an accident on the N69 involving a car and a truck during the week with the occupant of the car, reportedly a young lad in his 20s being taken to Cork, which is never a good sign. Haven’t heard anymore since.



Poor family

A neighbour telling me there this evening that their kid is starting college in Sept…new purpose built student accom in Cork…350 per week…three…hundred…and fifty quid a week…

12750 for the college year…and that’s the cheapest rate of you pay in one lump sum

That’s fuckin appalling, another mortgage basically.Souch for free education


Absolute madness. Doesnt help that some purpose built student accommodation was repurposed for other tenants


Can they not just travel up

Im banking on mine going to trinners tbh and getting the train


Lots will you’d buy and insure a fine car for the price of it

How much is the grant now I wonder? Used to work out around 45 a week back in the day I think.


I reckon they are pulling in 10m in rent annually for the place

Maxes out at about 7k a year now I think…

But means test limit isn’t v high

September to May, with a month off at Christmas. Madness.

The Muldoons with their grand islands and an acre of grass mocking urbanites until it comes time to send their children to college.


My two will be doing an apprenticeship anyway all the wan to me