Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Fair play to you deciding what your kids will do. Far too much woke shite like letting them make up their own minds these days.


Cheers pal. Them kids donā€™t know whatā€™s good for them

There was a lad here a while back saying they should be allowed change their gender once they hit their 3rd birthday

Im on record as saying they should be allowed work down the mines when they hit their third birthday

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Thatā€™s incredible. A friend of mine while doing his masters lived in Amnis House beside the River Lee hotel for 220 a week and I thought it was extortion

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I poured a lovely glass of claret to drink as an accompaniment to the lamb I had on the bbq and a bastarding fly flew straight into it.


People pay a premium for this purpose built student places. Good security, only students around them and usually well finished with good facilities inside them. And guaranteed now to be sharing a room.

Youā€™d do well to get a house share room in Dublin within a commute of a college / university for 800 a month Iā€™d say.

Sure Iā€™d say itā€™s next to impossible get a house share these days?

A load of student unions were out canvassing at train stations on Tuesday trying to encourage people to rent out rooms in their houses due to the shortage of accommodation in Dublin

If you were an old person living on your own in a big town with a college it would be a great idea to take in a student.A bit of company over the winter and a few extra bob for bingo and a few half ones.


Upto 12k in rent tax free as well I think

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Fuck that,cash only



Absolutely. Its a great scheme in fairness, aside from the fact that students would way rather be living together. Iā€™ve the bro in law looking for me to help him rent out his apartment here for the winter to a student when they go back to turkey. An utter shitshow in waiting methinksā€¦

Swings in the garden and roundabouts.

This is 1400 a month thoughā€¦in corkā€¦stuck outside alongside county hall

Yeah a great scheme.My mother would love something like that but she wouldnā€™t be close enough to Sligo IT really to be any use to a student.

Is it an investment firm or the college?

Investment firm

Cheaper to buy a bloody house

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