Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Not to forget they had to go to court to get BAM back on site after Covid.

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Was BAM in Jackass?

I’ve heard from pretty good authority that most of the blame lies with the shambles of procurement rather than with BAM, with the ice constantly shifting. There are too many “personalities” involved.

I think its a perfect storm to be honest. A shit procurement, with poor specification at tender stage, late decisions, and a contractor who is renowned for being claims conscious and looking to exploit every loophole there is to make variation claims.


Who do we blame for this ‘procurement’?

Who ever was the project manager involved with the HSE in terms of appointment. I also think that it was rushed through for political reasons instead of following the set stages and ensuring everything was correctly done. There was a report done in 2019 scathing of the process and reasons for such price increases and its only gone worse since.


Are you suggesting that the Minister for Health at the time was focused on the optics rather than the detail?


There was an election in early 2016. There was a lot of grumbling afterwards about the location of the hospital, as planning was granted in April 2016. In June, there was petitions issued to the government against the St James site, there was county councils voicing their disagreement to the site, yet in August Bam were appointed. It just seems to me, to go from planning in April, to appointment in August is way too rushed. There is no way they would have been able to get enough detail and works in to have it absolutely watertight, and I get the feeling that they rushed it through so that it just got moving and the discussions over the site location would stop, otherwise it would be likely to have been years before it moved on and would fuck up their next election.


Maureen Potter was starting to look shook there.


Fuck sake!

I’m not proud of myself.


All those children will be too old for the new childrens hospital but old enough to wait on a trolley for 3 days in a&e once its finished. No wonder that simon harris has risen to the top

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Some librarian cunt on Cheap Irish Homes bringing over a girl 20 years younger from Thailand, moving her to the middle of nowhere and fucking her over on the house she actually wants for the sake of 10 or 15k, move some things around you tight prick.

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Jeez that’s a desperate story the misfortunate lady. May she rip

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Could you post that in English,I see words but they make no sense.


Fucking ambulance being delayed as well.


Seems to be the norm now even in city’s. What hope do rural dwellers have? 4 hours ffs.

Mentioned it here a few weeks back I was at a hurling match and a spectator had a heart attack and the air ambulance landed on pitch within 20 mins. A v lucky man


It is unacceptable as a society.

If the ambulance arrived even after two hours then that woman would probably be alive.

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