Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

tenor (39)

Did you ever have a dog that softened you?

Bad mistake, I didnā€™t want to say on account of being too nice. Dogs now think theyā€™re human and in control of the remoteā€¦

Iā€™d give the dog the remote before Iā€™d give it to the wife

Shit. Who were we talking about ?

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Be fucked if I know.

Every one of the useless fuckers have gotten me. Weā€™ve always had a collie but about 40 years ago we added/acquired a Labrador who the then children doted on. Times pass, the dogs change but the ratio remains the same, lovely docile dogs who have their own sheds.
The grandkids, when they were allowed visit, might bring one into the house but their exit would be swift. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love dogs but not on the sofa.

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Heā€™s not from Limerick mateā€¦


My auld lad and his auld lad are the same. The dog does not cross the back door.

The grandfather is gone soft though. I was up there in between lock downs and he was after taking an awful shine to a mongrel. It was asleep in a bed in the hall.

His words.

Sure the poor cunt is useless. I couldnā€™t leave him outside a cat would take him


Thatā€™s a very good jibe in fairness.

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How is this not bigger news?

Both stories made the front page of every paper in the country and were the main stories on TV and radio. How much bigger could they be while also respecting the incredibly tragic nature of both?


Yes my old westie 16 plus years of unconditional love

I think fellas get softer to dogs as they get older. My old lad was religious with keeping dogs outside for years. However, in the last few years og the last dogā€™s life, he softened massively and let him inside most evenings. It might coincide with us all moving out and maybe the house got quiet.



Years ago we had a dog, cross between a Jack Russell and a Wirehaired Terrier. He was around for around 13 or so, had his own chair in the kitchen, not allowed in the front room. I was living away and rang home, the Mother in an awful way, bawling crying. I thought the auld boy was a goner, it was the dog. That was it the parents said, no more dogs and they never did.
Thereā€™s a cat there now, the father feeds her and she sleeps in with the planks. No way allowed in the house.

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When they die itā€™s bloody awful Iā€™ve not replaced my guy yet

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Passed me by to be honest. I meant the link between the two.

I would always be of the opinion that a dog should be house broken and house trained but should sleep outside except for extreme weather. Allow them into living areas especially if you have tiles or hard floors but getting up on furniture or into bedrooms should be a complete no no.

But then again some people own dogs and some dogs own people.


What should be done do you reckon?