Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Why was he rubbing a 1986 Oxford utd jersey?


Well, here’s her response 🤷

“:joy: Guys just seem to love showing their wangs off. They’re not really that interesting once you’ve seen a few.”

Don’t be so sure. Some fellas are very proud of their mickeys, especially the crazy ones.

Perhaps you might encourage her to join this noble forum - safe in the knowledge that all personal matters such as this are thrashed out in a mature fashion on the relevant, designated thread.


Point her in the direction of whatever thread has Zebo’s wang.

Tourism ads for Saudi Arabia.

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its a mecca for tourists


Woman on her deathbed and HSE won’t attend mediation talks from the cervical smear debacle.

Is she heavy?


No, that’s her brother.


She’d weightlift with me no bother.

You’d want your head examined to travel to China


Xi Bozhuang won the silver medal when the 3 Chinese beat Sonia that time.

On Prime Time now. Hellish. He’s effectively trapped in China for as long as the Chinese decide to keep him.

The Chinese embassy weren’t backing away from it anyway… Seem to be completely disputing his version of events…bizarre situation…

They seem to use these exit bans arbitrarily in commercial disputes. It’s a country I’d have no desire to return to.

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What does this fella actually do?

The situation he was in was pretty vague. Is he staying in a 5 star hotel and still getting paid by his employer for example? Is he able to go to the local Irish pub at the weekends… Or is he under house arrest

We should threaten the Chinese government with an indefinite boycott on establishments manned and run by citizens of their country for an indefinite period or until this man is allowed home.
See how the cunts will react when a couple of thousand of their folk are out on the streets here begging. An action plan is what’s needed to soften their fucking coughs. Boycott…


He seems to be still employed and paid and looks to be in a nice hotel and can do what he wants but can’t leave the country.

The uncertainty of that existence and waiting to be put in prison/no guarantee of ever getting home would be crippling.

Yes a terrible situation. Hard to believe the government couldn’t get a fella home who has been charged with no crime

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