GAA Congress 2020 - Larry boy is Boss now

Cheerleaders as part of match day…

Honest question, why the hatred for Burns? In fairness you’ve been consistent with it for years.

I just googled this lad and after scrolling through 4 pages I can’t find a single policy of his while with Jarlath Burns it’s the first thing you find. What’s he going to do?

Middle of the road politician GAA style,won’t ruffle any feathers,typical

He knows what he done

Wtf does that even mean. By the time you know if he’s called the mark or not it will be a goal/point. Is this cunt of a rule actually going to be in championship?

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Black card in hurling DEFEATED.


Hail hail

Disappointing news. Negativity will continue to be rewarded

The teams full of 6ft+ spare-arm tackle mullockers will be delighted

Games gone man

Is there any other deterrent? … Would rewarding a peno for cynical play anywhere on the field work?..
Do we need to empower the bastards in white jackets more? … There’s too much put on a ref… a lot of linesmen dont get involved and we just get inconsistency every where.

I would try that one in football, free not pelanty maybe, could see what effect it has then

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As opposed to the the teams of 5ft 5 who are at it?

I’m going to let you think about the big vs small connotations for a while

Just take the jab thrown at Clare in the good grace it was meant



There is a lack of clarity in that tweet. It doesn’t clarify whether
i) the amendment just tweaks what is going to be voted on, or
ii) whether the mark itself (with this new amendment) has already been voted on and passed.

If it’s ii), we’re fucked, or rather, the game is fucked.