GAA Congress 2020 - Larry boy is Boss now

It’s only football.

Hurling has relatively little cynicism due to an unwritten code of honour and dopey earnest tj Reid types. This is gradually starting to change. If teams start getting clever and really serious about winning there will never be another goal scored. Every time a fella is anywhere near goal just drag him down and take the yellow.

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That’s what Chipp do

Another stitch up job by the top table. First Aoghan O’Farrell. Then John Horan. Then circle the wagons to get Tom Ryan in. Now a novelty president from NY that will be moving home for 3 years after 30 years abroad. Would take him 3 years to understand the problems. Jesus wept
Oooooofffft from Brolly

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The Ulster bai’s are seething

Joe needs to run himself

Tommy Murphy has been blackguarded by the GAA

That i would love to see. It would be fucking box office.

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The institutional bias against Ulster counties will continue.

A disgrace.

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[quote=“myboyblue, post:85, topic:30567”]

He knows what he done

[/quote] Which is?

One of the dubs many advantages taken away from them just now. Won’t slow them too much im sure, but no harm.

How much did ye get from the British Government?


So six teams in the McCarthy Cup for 2021?

That’s Galway fucked, so.

Oh, actually, I see it’ll be the six Leinster teams competing. A reprieve!

But it will be great to have no Munster teams polluting the thing.

Does that mean Munster is going to 6?

The replies to this tweet are fucking glorious

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Limerick A and B?


Would ye just annex Clare and be done with it

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Less than the Free State counties get from the Free State government.