GAA Congress 2020 - Larry boy is Boss now

It’s very dangerous from a covid point of view


Covid was worth it


What’s bad about that?

It’s not the 16 teams per se, although counties should be allowed run competitions whatever way they see fit as long as they make deadlines.

Divisional championships in Tipp have been there as a real meaningful prize for over 100 years and will now be consigned to being played without county players and die a death

Why will they? I’m not arguing here im genuinely asking

It demeans the competition if they are played without intercounty players during the intercounty season

No I’m wondering why the divisional comps will be devalued? How many senior teams in tipp?

County teams rule the roost now. Not enough time in season for other competitions.

I just answered the question. Because they’ll be played without county players during the county season. 16 senior

Surely this split season is a move towards the complete opposite. It’s what we’ve all wanted for years. Proper time for the clubs

The provincial and All Ireland clubs are the bigger issue. Have to go as fast as you can through a club championship to make deadlines and then take months to play 5 rounds in the Munster/All Ireland club

Ah I told you I wasn’t arguing and you’re still getting ratty :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I suppose I’m basically asking why does this new rule about 16 teams change the status of the North tipp shc for example why can’t it just continue as it always has?

I’m not getting ratty. You just asked me the same question twice and I answered it twice. The senior B teams used to be involved in the senior divisional championships and now that there can’t be more than 16 teams the county board will say there won’t be enough time to complete them in the club season and play them without county players during the county season. They’ve been trying to get rid of them for years at county level and rejected by a massive margin by the clubs every time

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4 groups of 4. Each team get 3 games each. Will lead to some cracking games.

Agreed, all ireland club could be done in at most 8 weeks. Open draws hurling and football. Football all ireland club would take 5 weekends to complete obviously be rest weekends but could be done in 8 weeks.

Apart from tradition is there anything better about having all irelands in September than July? July will have better weather more people off work fewer competing sports. Suppose Sept allowed there to be a buzz in schools too

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Going to a vote on cynical fouling now.

Inter county GAA is now in a bit of a crisis which the pandemic has somewhat camoflauged