GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

Agreed. No offense to any trainer but everyone is answerable to the committee in GAA, and I’d prefer a committee member who spoke up than a yes man any day of the week. These are the fellas selling the lotto tickets paying these lads after all. Everyone is answerable when it comes to hard earned money.

Not getting it lads. Has fuck all to do with it. Why now?
One loss and someone throwing their weight around. Question it at the start of the year or end, question the manager.

I was asked, while being given the cheque, to give more detail on the invoice. I shouldn’t have to justify or detail training to anyone only the players and manager.

Bullshit. The club is run by the committee not the players and managers. Maybe the club should have gone via the manager to request the additional information be included but it’s certainly not out of order.

Obviously things will be examined in more detail after a loss, same as in any business.

You don’t think you should have to justify your work to whoever is paying you?

Have you ever held a job?

What’s wrong with accountability. People in leadership positions should embrace it

Why not simply detail the time which is being put into the preparation for training and the actual training?

Any member is allowed to question where the club funds are going it’s how the GAA works all members are equal. GAA folk are no doubt fickle but if you want to keep getting cheques i am of the opinion that you should at least meet them half way on this.

That’s interesting. I’m amazed that Offaly have started looking. Where did you hear this? Anyone else in for it?

The work is already done.

Do you really think I should have had that cheque held up because of some latchico at a meeting?

That’s one of the most ignorant posts you have ever written and I suppose emphasizes my point about GAA people.

If you have a question about me turning up or the quality of work or whatever then fine.

Would you ask a block layer to tell you how he mixed the mortar?

It’s beyond fucking stupid.

I’m accountable to the manager, nobody else. The manager I accountable to the club.

There is GAA clubs all over the country who owe thousands to people for shit like this. Agreements usually brokered between chairmen and a coach broken by a club member throwing a wobbly. Several gone to court as well

Because I’m already spending way too much time on it already. The manager, who will do this, needs to explain that. I’m paid per session, no player has had any complaint, neither has the management.

It’s not about the detail anyway, the whole point is about the culture and the ignorance and the lack of trust. You choose a chairman, you choose a manager. Let them off to do their work. If they are doing something wrong by someone then fine approach it, otherwise get them out at the end of the year.

They are quite comfortable with renaging on deals. It’s a scumbag culture.

I asked did you get your cheque and you said you did.
You never said it was held up and I’d agree it was wrong if it was held up. All you said above is that a club member raised a query about your role at a club meeting and that you’ve been asked to provide more detail on future invoices, which will in turn will enable the club officials to answer such queries in a more comprehensive fashion.

Also if you are to be answerable to the manager then maybe you should be paid by the manager? If you are being paid directly by the club, then whether you like it or not you are answerable to the club.

You are being overly touchy here.


Surely there’s nothing wrong with asking for an invoice, detailed as far as requested, from someone also? This is business. How on earth is it “scumbag culture”?


There’s a lack of trust as too many clubs have been burnt. I would agree that it is more for the manager to explain than your self and for the manager to give his opinion on same. It’s probably one fuckwit who has too much time on his hands questioning the merit of a “trainer”. I think if you discuss it with the manager he will be able to head things off at the pass.

Btw is the manager getting paid as well?

Correct but he is not the main man

They didn’t want me paid. Yet there was no question on 3 other cheques, with exact same invoicing. What’s changed?

Based on one loss they wanted to deny me money. That’s a scumbag. And thats ignorance. And the chairman and secretary are supporting this now.

I won’t, but the advice given to me by a colleague is to walk now, I’m sure to be screwed one way or another before the year is out. Hopefully he is wrong, but this seems to be common practice.

Count - manager not paid, but is given a budget which includes me and any other stuff needed for the team. He is told do with it as he pleases. However cheques still signed by club.

How many on the management team are getting cheques? Whats the budget?

I’m the only regular consistent member along with the physio but he’d only be there periododically. Money might be used for special recovery sessions, the sports psychologist might be in 2-3 times in the year.

Nobody questions the physio’s. It’s part of this bizarre acceptance of anyone with “chartered” in front of their occupation name being beyond question. Truth is, I have probably saved them 1500 alone on physio bills.

I don’t know the budget to be honest. But I would guess over 10k but definitely less than 20.

So you’re the only one of the team being paid, that would actually confuse some aul buck on a committee, enough to wonder what it is you do? The chartered physio argument of yours I’ll agree with, but you can’t call him a scumbag because he wondered enough to question why you were getting what you were. You have a contract no doubt and deserve to be paid, I’m not arguing that, just think you’re getting the snot over very little. You shouldnt be surprised that in a sporting organisation questions start to get asked when things go bad.

Brian Horgan will surely get that gig. He’s doing a serious job with Templederry who are into a North Semi Final against Silvermines this weekend. Very highly rated & Brendan Cummins will surely stay too.

I would if the wall fell down

