GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

exactly, the wall has not fallen.

That’s the ignorance though, things are not going “bad”, we lost a game.

Only one teams win the cup, you can have a great season without a cup. That’s also either ignorance or burying the head in the sand. Maybe we’re not good enough yet. Maybe it takes 2-3 years to build a team up? Despite having much of this explained to them I believe they still throw wobblies at the first chance.

A lot of it is jealousy, people really resent me making money out of the GAA, its remarkable how much resentment I get.

Sure haven’t your lot lost more than a couple of games this year?

It’s a bit hard to give credence to that when you’re the very one who is on here running some of your fellow S&C coaches down, accusing them of being negligent and unprofessional in their job.

S&C is mental for that kinda carry on.
Everything the last fella did was wrong.


It’s an unscrupulous profession. Has there ever been a S&C coach who had a strong moral compass?

“It’s part of this bizarre acceptance of anyone with “chartered” in front of their occupation name being being beyond question.”

Something that can and must be upheld.

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I agree, but that’s hardly whats going on here?

My issue with the Cork set up is they didn’t get an S&C coach in, they thought they had.

one “trainer”, who is masquerading as an S&C coach.

You’ll struggle to find anything else.

Do you really think my own club would be paying me? They should be, but that’s another issue. I’m with more than one team.

Would you ever fuck off with yourself. Who asked about your little story? No one. Your little rant had fuck all to do with anything in this thread. Your beef also should be with the Manager & not the Committee who were voted at an AGM to run the Club you are employed by.

Running onto an Internet forum to air your dirty self-absorbed linen is fair fucking pathetic, Kev. :rollseyes:

Good one.
My beef is with ignorant apes who turn up at meetings with there ignorant hurler on the ditch attitude, usually from clowns who wouldn’t lift a finger themselves.

What else is a forum for you ape? Discussion.
All most of the comments here do is prove my point really. A lot of GAA people have no respect for professional people involved in their games.

All you have proven is that you are an ignorant self-adsorbed cunt unwilling to answer a question to a Committee member who was voted into his position by Club members who pay your wages. Is the man not entitled to ask the question? Is it such a big deal to keep a quiet life to address his issues? I see what goes on on both sides of running a team & running a club, you need patience & a willingness to engage or plamas ignorant aul fellas. You are long enough around to know this shit.
But instead you head onto an Internet forum & whinge like a bitch instead, call other people unprofessional & ignorant without stopping to think about how you could sort this quietly. You may as well fuck off from the job & let down the players. You know the players probably respect you alright but do half them give a fuck how their club is run financially. You can be sure half the cunts don’t give 2 flying fucks.

To sum up, grow up you Cork weirdo.


It’s kinda like the way you go on about the “capitalist pigs” on here just cos they’re making a bit more coin than you. Resentment is terrible chip to be carrying around.

That’s a CLAMPING. :+1:

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Whats you’re role with this club kev? S and c, trainer, coach? Ie what profession are you hired to perform with them

Who the fuck is @Turenne talking to? The bastard has fucked this thread.

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You obviously struggle with reading. It was a non elected member. Who said I shouldn’t be paid until his ignorance was satisfied.
You illiterate twaat.

S&C and skills coach

To be fair, you’ll come and go, but this lad will still be buying and selling tickets this year and next year and many years time when most won’t even remember your name. It was actually very sensible of the Chairman to handle him as well as he did.