GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

Mickey Moran with Mayo in 2006. Things didn’t work out too well there with his successor.

Denis Walsh has a big piece in ST about Galway. Reckons players met in early May - 27 of 30 voted no to question “Do you believe this management team can help us win the All Ireland?”

Last Saturday 20 players met and voter almost unanimously in favour of a manager change

I wonder if the domino effect will apply after the events in Mayo and Galway.

Other possibilities include Clare, Limerick and Wexford hurling squads.

The story goes one other hurling squad held a meeting in the past week.

Isn’t it amazing that the players had no confidence in May and yet were in an AI final in Sept with every opportunity to win it, and fucked it away (mainly by wayward shooting in both halves) and now it’s the managements fault. Smells of bullshit.

Does this county’s name begin with “c” and rhyme with chair?


I dunno I’m still waiting for @Big_Dan_Campbell to get off the Charlie and confirm.

Big news, it may be scoffed at in certain quarters, but its the management team he will bring with him that’s significant. And he’d find and pick genuinely talented players.

If true though it will really tell a few of the other candidates what is thought of them.

Dreadfully managed.

What’s going on with Kingston’s hair? I don’t think someone with a haircut like that will be successful in the modern game.


Interesting extract from Sean Morans piece in the I T today on managerial professions.

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Interesting and something i have really noticed in last few years.
Even the big clubs largely have guys who are successful businessmen and have time. Everyone else is running away from it.

Takes some slagging for his hair alright.

He is an alright sort though. hope he does well - as @caoimhaoin said he may be a bit close to the players and not make the hard calls. I’d see Nash as one who should be fighting for his place after last year and he is very much one of the stronger personalities in the dressing room ( must be a cork goalie thing )

“People Kev doesn’t know as well as he thinks” Cian O’Neill

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Very true. I am surprised at taking on that round trip considering he left another job because of the bad back from driving.

Maybe he felt he’d never get another chance.

On another note, the Cork football management selection fiasco has hit ridiculous lows. Really feel sorry for the lads brave enough to put up their hand for the job.

And another beginning with “L” and rhymes with Rimerick :+1:

Donal Og has joined Clare as Hurling Coach according to a few well placed outlets.

Huge news.

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@Joe_Player won’t like that

Its brill news

Donal Og will get us back playing hurling no shit its what we need

He’ll have ye handpassing it backwards all day long