GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

Really? Kev will be raging about this given he called him a bluffer a few months ago.

Can’t say I know much about that Bandage, can only go on the information I’ve been given. My record on these matters is good though I think you’ll find.


Nice try. I did qualify it by saying he may have a grand plan. A really really risky grand plan as it turns out. The tactics for the Dublin game were very much based on Dublin running out of steam!

I do believe he was quite lucky, and may have listened to other voices on changing the style.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter what anyone says, he won it, thats all that mattered with this team. He’ll be judged on higher standards from now on though.

Good news overall though, the players really wanted him back.

Its good at coming in just after its been announced in the media! :rolleyes:

Backtrack. You were scathing of him as the championship unfolded.

Embarassing scenes here.

I’m very happy to be wrong in this instance, even if i’m not wrong.

I don’t think you’ve ever backed down on the internet, Kevin. :lol:

Anyone know who posted this a while back?

Cork aren’t impressing me either Pike, untill the 2nd half today, but i’m worried that we only played one half of proper football with our best team out. The pace of the counter attacking from Down and Kildare is ironically enough at where Cork were last year. Conor Counihan is a nice man, but a shit manager, and i think it will be pure trial and error, and talented players that gets Cork an All-Ireland, despite the best attempts of the management to make a balls of it. From he’s taken over we have found only today that;

-John Miskella is absolutely vital to the team, no John, no party

  • Pierce O’ Neill is a center forward (wow Conor)
  • Paddy Kelly is a right half forward (despite Counihan ruining the guy with frees)
  • Nick Murphy is our best midfielder
  • Donnacha O’ Connor is a harder working, more intelligent player than Colm O’ Neill.

Now none of that is new, but he fucked around with things so much, but is now back to square one-ish.
He has managed to ruin the confidence of Aidan Walsh, Colm O’ Neill, Paddy Kelly and Donnacha O’ Connor. He doesn’t seem to be able to impart any advice to these lads for them to improve, as they are not improving.

Its what i felt at the time Bandage, i’m not actually going against that now either, certainly in relation to the 4 players outlined, they were all over the shop. Tell me what of the 5 of these are wrong below?

-John Miskella is absolutely vital to the team, no John, no party

  • Pierce O’ Neill is a center forward (wow Conor)
  • Paddy Kelly is a right half forward (despite Counihan ruining the guy with frees)
  • Nick Murphy is our best midfielder
  • Donnacha O’ Connor is a harder working, more intelligent player than Colm O’ Neill.

The fact is he reverted back to all of these above eventually, although the Miskella point was probably over stated by me in the end. Cork are not as good as they should be, i don’t think anyone watching football would argue with that. Thus i think the pressure is bigger now for him, they need to win, and with style, now that the All-Ireland monkey is off their back.

I don’t think he’s the best manager in Cork, but the players want him back, so thats all that matters for now.

It seems the national media have gotten wind of this today.

I read about it at the weekend <_<

You’re a man with your finger on the pulse Pikeman, I respect that.

No they got wind of it at the weekend. :rolleyes:

CB were tipped off over the weekend as well.

Strange that the media decided against reporting on the reappointment of the all ireland winning manager until 3 days after they were told then :lol: This story was only confirmed yesterday, anything which went on before this was just rumour and speculation. Your attempt to create a conflict continues, seemingly intent on poisoning every single thread of this forum. Its astonishing at this point and shows a scant disregard for Bricks.

No, you were just trying to claim an exclusive, yet it was not that. It was known down here at the weekend that he had let it be known he was staying on.

The fact is what you said, by your standards, is also rumour and speculation as it hasn’t been “confirmed” yet.

That will be when he officially tells the CB of his intentions, which has not happened.

Your longing for exclusives, the thrill you seem to get from starting threads, and the generally lick arsing you do around here is very very strange.

You need a life fella, i’m only trying to show you that, you should appreciate it.

I’m hearing that MBB and Kev are going to continue clogging up the board with stupid crap for another while.

My source is usually spot on about this kind of stuff.

I propose we ban the two cunts. Seconders? Should we have a poll? For what its worth I didnt claim this as an exclusive but this fella just loves trying to stoke conflict with me, bless his lil socks.


Hey, if there is no war there is no need for peace makers.

a source clsoe to the panel?

A source that’s a good sort to go for a pint with